1.) The Bar

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Misty sucked in a deep breath as her hand shakily reached for the handle of the car door. She stepped out of the car, made sure to thank the Uber driver, and gave him a tip. She straightened out her dress before looking up at the building.

In big, blue, glowing lights, the sign read "Afterglow".

She took another shaky breath as she started walking up to the front door. There, stood a tall man dressed in all black. "ID."

Misty's shaky hand made it hard to fish the plastic card out of her wallet. She flashed it to him and received a stamp on the top of her hand. She glanced down, seeing the quarter-sized circle on her hand with a big, blue A in the middle of it. She proceeded to make her way inside the building.

Booming music could be heard from all around her; she could even feel the bass under her boots. The smell of smoke mixed with an intoxicating amount of perfume invaded her senses. She couldn't put her finger on a particular scent, but it was familiar to her senses. Glancing around, she could see a bar, some tables with every different type of person occupying them. There was even a stage. She wondered what went on up there.

Her eyes went around the room again, she studied the different people she could see. Some were dressed in their everyday clothing, but others were in latex suits, lingerie, and a few in just their underwear. She didn't know how to react; it was all so... new to her.

Another sigh slipped from her lips as she started making her way towards the bar. She squeezed herself in between two different groups to grab the bartender's attention.

"What can I get you, hon?" the bartender asked as she stepped over to the blonde.

"Um... just an old fashioned with a cherry... maybe a shot of vodka." Misty said loudly so the bartender could hear her.

She nodded and started to pour the shot before she moved onto making the drink. "Here you go."

Misty downed the shot within an instant of it being placed in front of her. Her nerves were really starting to get to her. She grabbed the glass of liquor next. She pulled the cherry out and popped it into her mouth.

"First time?" the bartender asked.

"Is it really that obvious?" she asked nervously.

She chuckled and nodded. "Just a bit. You're nearly trembling. Lighten up. No one here will hurt you, that is unless you say so." She winked.

Misty's eyes grew wide before she downed half of the glass. "This was a bad idea."

"Stick around for a while. You might change your mind, honey. People usually do."

"Are people usually so nervous?" the blonde asked.

"Depends what they're here for." The bartender said before someone whistled. "Be back."

Misty was left with her drink. She sighed before looking around again. Her eyes passed from group to group. Some were just two, some were four or five.

Her heart was pounding hard against her chest as she spotted a woman walking out of the hallway. Her cheeks were tearstained, and her clothes were a little messy. Although her appearance looked rough, she looked happy, maybe even content.

Another woman followed her. She looked a little different from the other's she had seen. The way she walked was with confidence and a boss-like-attitude. Her outfit was a black latex suit, knee-high boots, and in her hand, she held something.

Misty wasn't sure what that something was, but it piqued her interest. She watched as she woman walked over to the stage and went behind the curtain. A few seconds later, she walked back out without the object in her hand and started to walk toward the bar. She walked right past Misty, and the blonde's eyes never left her. Something about the woman intrigued her.

"Miss Goode! Got your tips." The bartender said as she handed over a stack of cash.

The woman's red-painted lips turned upward into a smile mixed with a smirk. "Thanks, Queenie. I'll be back in a while. Has anyone asked for me?"

"No, ma'am."

"Okay, let me know if anyone does." She said before walking off to a part of the building Misty couldn't see.

She downed the rest of her drink before waving over the bartender.


"Just one."

"Coming right up, hon." She said before doing just that. "I saw you had your eye on Miss Goode."

"Uh... maybe..." her cheeks tinted pink. "Who is she?"

"She's the top dominatrix here. Top-rated, and best in town from what I've heard." Queenie said as she placed another drink down on the counter.

"Dominatrix?" Misty's brows furrowed.

"Oh, honey..." Queenie chuckled. "If you don't know what that is, then why are you here?"

"I-I... it's complicated." She finally said before picking up her glass.

"Okay," the other woman said before walking off to serve another customer.

Misty sighed to herself. She felt slightly embarrassed about even being there. If she didn't understand the whole reason for the club, then why did she want to come here? At least that's what she asked herself.

After her glass was empty again, she paid the bill. As she turned around to leave, she saw that woman again—Goode.

Misty bit her lip hard as she watched the woman walk across the club toward that hallway she came from earlier. She was certainly curious about what was down that hallway, but something was telling her now was not the time to find out.

Maybe some research would do her some good before coming back. So, she headed back outside. She ordered herself another Uber.

The long car ride home left her time to wonder, to think, and she found herself even more curious than when she had left.

Once she arrived home, she headed inside. She made sure to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't wake anyone.

Slipping down the hallway, Misty made her way to her room. She shut the door with a sigh. After kicking off her heels, she peeled off her dress and laid down on her bed.

Once the blanket was securely wrapped her, she grabbed her phone and set an alarm for the next morning, so she wasn't late to work.


I had originally written this for another fandom, but I left and missed this story. So, I thought Foxxay would be better than anything AHS wise. Hope you guys enjoy this story!

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