23: You Showed Up Just in Time

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Misty groaned as she heard an alarm blaring somewhere in the room. She turned to her side as Cordelia slipped out of bed. "No," she whined, reaching for the older woman.

"I've got work today, love." Cordelia sleepy voice said as her hand tapped the alarm on the dresser. She yawned while walking back over to the bed. She sat down next to Misty, brushing a curl behind her ear. "You can stay here."

Misty frowned as her eyes finally opened. She looked up at her girlfriend. "I should go home..."

"You don't have to."

"My cats," The younger blonde murmured. She sat up and kissed Cordelia. "And I should talk to Mallory."

"I agree, but I don't want to push you." Cordelia's hand touched Misty's cheek as she kissed her again. "Don't let this ruin the time you still have with her."

Misty groaned as she pulled away. "Don't be all mature and shit now." She grinned when Cordelia rolled her eyes. "You're right."

"I know," Cordelia smirked before she got up from the bed. "Do you work today?"

"Of course, but not until tonight." Misty followed her lover into the bathroom.

"I can drop you off before work." Cordelia offered.

"It's okay, I'll just take an Uber."

Cordelia turned on the shower. "You don't have to spend money on something I can do for you."

"Well, recently I've been the luckiest person around to get this once in a lifetime chance. And I've been able to save up my money I was paying to see you with. I've got it covered."

Cordelia smiled softly. "Okay, just let me know if you need a ride."

"Will do," Misty stepped into the shower and pulled Cordelia into her embrace.

When Misty walked into the apartment, she paused in the doorway when she saw Mallory sitting on the couch. The other woman just stared at her for a moment. But eventually Mallory got up, and Misty sprinted into the living room. The two practically tackled one another, wrapping their arms around the other friend.

"I'm so sorry," they both cried.

After a few minutes, they finally pulled away from each other. "When do you work?" Mallory asked.

Misty frowned. "At five, and I get off at one in the morning."

"That's okay. I can make us dinner, roll a joint, and when you get home we're talking."

Her frowned turned to a smile. "Okay, I'm down for that." Misty started to go down the hallway to her bedroom. "How's everythin' been?"

Mallory followed her friend. "Good, but I've missed my babe." She pouted. When they entered Misty's bedroom she threw herself on the woman's bed.

Misty chuckled softly. She grabbed her work uniform out of the closet and started to get undressed. "I've missed ya, too. I'm sorry. I just needed a few days..." she sighed. "I met Dee's family."

"Shut up," Mallory's head popped up. Her brows shot up when she saw the various hickeys that covered Misty's body as she got changed. "Damn, did you have some fun?"

"Oh," Misty blushed as she looked down at herself. She quickly pulled her skirt on. "Maybe... that's not the point of this conversation."

Mallory laughed as she set her head back down. "What're they like?"

"Honestly?" Misty pulled on her shirt, and threw her hair up in a ponytail. "I hated it. Her family's rich... and I don't mean Coco's dad kind of rich, either."

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