21: Sipping Coffee Like You're on a Late-Night Show

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This is a rollercoaster that started with to many ideas, and ended on a very different note than I had originally intended. Enjoy


Misty knew it was going to be awkward, but she hadn't anticipated just how terrible the night was going to go. As soon and she and Cordelia walked through the front door of a large, white, house—that Misty would compare to a mansion—she knew just how much money Cordelia's family had.

There was a man at the door, who asked for their coats, only to put them away in a closet right next to the door. Misty hated the fact that he was wearing a suit... it was a Saturday evening, and no one was there beside herself and Cordelia's family. She only grew increasingly uncomfortable when she passed the kitchen to get to the 'sitting' room, and saw two older women in chef outfits at the stove and counter. She figured Fiona wouldn't be the one who was cooking dinner before, but now she knew who was.

She ended up sitting on a white, leather sofa next to Cordelia that made a God-awful sound when you first sat down on the material. Her hands found home in her lap, fingers picking at the skin around her nails as Cordelia talked about something with her mother. Misty really tried to listen to their conversation, but she felt herself dissociating. She only snapped out of it when Fiona's brown hues pierced right through her.

"I'm sorry, what?" Misty found her tongue drier than the worst cotton mouth from a joint she had ever had.

"Where do you work?" Fiona asked as an eyebrow raised.


Her hands started to sweat as she glanced at Cordelia for a short second. She put on her best smile as her hands clasped together. "I'm currently a waitress." She could see the corners of Fiona's mouth twitch as they wanted to pull into some kind of devilish smirk.

"Well," the woman looked at her daughter. "Isn't that just great?" She asked before walking back out of the room.

Blue hues flickered to the older blonde again. "What did that mean?" She whispered.

Cordelia's hand instantly slipped between Misty's, grasping one tightly. "Don't listen to her, okay? She's stupid—a fucking moron actually, but I try not to say that anymore... she's classist, a little homophobic—"

"What?!" Misty interjected. "Why didn't ya tell me this earlier? I would've lied!" She whisper yelled.

Cordelia squeezed her hand again. "I didn't want to scare you, baby... I'm sorry." She bit her lip in a nervous way Misty had never seen before.

"What do I say?" Blue hues shifted over to hallway to make sure Fiona wasn't lurking around.

"Just be yourself, darling. I promise if she says anything, I'll tell her to stop."

Misty didn't find this as encouraging as Cordelia had hoped it sounded, but she nodded with a small sigh. She was about to rest her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, but paused when she heard quick footsteps coming their way. She glanced over her shoulder to see one of Cordelia's sisters standing there with raised brows.

"Aren't you from the diner?" She asked.

Misty held back the groan she wanted to make, and only nodded.

Cassandra stepped further into the room, and sat in one of the lounge chairs across from the couch. She crossed her legs and sat like she was taught a lady should sit. "Misty, right?"

"Uh, yeah..." Misty gave a timid smile.

"Yeah, I now Celeste from summer camp this last year. She told me about the diner, and you guys really do make the best omelettes here."

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