12: We'd Still Worship This

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I got drunk halfway through this chapter, so it went in a totally different direction than I originally planned. I hope y'all are ready for this 4k + word chapter. Buckle up, babes <3

Misty got off at 10 P.M. which gave her enough time to stop by her apartment to get ready before going to Afterglow. She didn't know what to expect tonight. She still didn't know how to feel about what happened last night. All throughout her shift, all she could think about was how good it felt to have Cordelia's lips on her own. She had never felt such a spark with one simple kiss from anyone else before. She didn't know if it was because all of this was so new to her, or if because over the last few months she had started to fall for the dominatrix. And how couldn't she? Cordelia knew more about her than her last two boyfriends combined, and they hadn't even been on a date... yet. She wondered what Cordelia would be like out on a date, what was going to change now?

Instead of stoping by the bar, like Misty usually did, she went straight to the red room. She was hoping she would catch Cordelia at a good time. With a gentle knock on the door, she waited until she heard Miss Goode say, "Come in."

She walked into the room, closing the door behind herself. She bit her lip nervously as she watched Cordelia lay down a fresh sheet on the bed. She was clad in a latex suit, knee-high boots, and her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail, letting you see just how beautiful her features were in the soft light of the red room.

"You showed up," Cordelia almost sounded surprised. She started to walk over to the younger woman.

"I didn't know when ya wanted me here." Misty held her hands behind her back as she looked down at her boots.

"I'm in between clients right now, so you picked a perfect time." Cordelia gently placed a finger under Misty's chin, making her look up. "Why don't we go talk in my office?"

Misty nodded her head softly.

Cordelia grabbed the younger woman's hand to lead her through the club. Once they reached her office, she closed the door, and locked it. She watched as Misty looked around the room. It was simple, two big, oak desks with computers on them. A few filling cabinets sat between the desk along one of the walls. The other wall had two wardrobes, which Misty presumed were Cordelia's. Finally, blue hues found brown.

"So...?" She asked in a curious voice.

Miss Goode walked closer to Misty, placing a single finger under her chin before kissing her softly. "We've got to go over a few things." She whispered.

Misty leans up slightly to kiss the other woman this time. "What about exactly?" A smile pulled at the corners of her lips.

Cordelia's hand dropped to grab Misty's, gently lacing their fingers together. It was such an innocent action, but it made butterflies erupt through Misty's stomach. "I can't see you as a client anymore. Not if we're going to pursue this." She let go of Misty's hand to walk over to the filing cabinets. She opened one, grabbed a piece of paper, and walked back over to the younger woman. "It's really up to you. But if you want to continue this, this contract is null and void."

Misty took the contract, and without having to think about it, she tore it in half. She crumpled up the paper and threw it into the trash can by the door.

Cordelia couldn't stop herself from smiling. Misty walked back to the older woman, grabbed her face with both of her hands, and kissed her hard. Cordelia kissed her back just as hard while her hands landed on Misty's hips.

"How many more clients do ya have tonight?" She murmured against Cordelia's mouth.

The dominatrix pulled away momentarily. "Four. I won't be off until one."

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