29: Fly 'em All Around The World

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Misty was sitting on the couch when Cordelia came downstairs, dressed for work. She had the phone up to her ear as she stepped over to her lover, who was wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. "Hey, baby, do you work this weekend?"

Misty looked up from her phone with a small smile as she looked at her girlfriend. She was dressed in a pair of jeans and a white sweater. It was so simple but looked so good on the other woman's body. "I don't, why what's up?"

"What about Monday?"

"Nope, I got Saturday to Monday off for ya." Misty perked up on the couch, looking at Cordelia with a curious gaze.

Cordelia smiled before walking to the kitchen. "That works... great, see you then."

Misty got up from the couch and followed after the older woman. She perched herself on the counter next to the coffee pot as Cordelia started it. "Who was that?"

"Can it be a surprise?" Cordelia batted her lashes before she walked over to the fridge.

Misty sighed dramatically. "Fine, what's the occasion at least? A date? Is it fancy or not?"

Cordelia grabbed her coffee tumbler from the cabinet and started to make her drink. "I'll take you home before I go to work on Friday if I need to. I'll pick you up on Saturday morning at eight. You're going to need three to four days' worth of clothes, warm clothes."

Misty's brow furrowed as she watched her girlfriend. "Are we goin' somewhere?" She couldn't help but smile at the idea of going anywhere with her lover.

"Would you be okay with that?"

"Yes," her smile only grew. "Can I know where we're goin'?"

"Not yet," Cordelia flashed a smirk as she screwed the lid onto her coffee. She walked over to Misty and kissed her softly. "I promise it'll be with it, baby."

"Okay," Misty grinned before kissing Cordelia. "I love ya. Don't get home too late." She said without even thinking and smiled even more when Cordelia did.

"I won't, doll." She kissed her again. "You mean the world to me."


Misty was packing her bag when Mallory came running into her room. "Where are you guys going?"

Misty couldn't help but laugh. "I have no clue."

"She didn't tell you?"

"No, she wants it to be a surprise... she said to bring warm clothes." She explained while pulling out a thick jacket from her closet.

"So, somewhere up north." Mallory walked over to the bag on Misty's bed and started looking through the clothes she had picked out. She smirked as she pulled out a lace thong. "Since when do you wear these?"

"Hey!" Misty laughed as she grabbed the lingerie and put it back into her bag.

"Think you'll get lucky?" Mallory raised a brow.

"Duh," Misty grinned from ear to ear.

"What time is she picking you up?"

"Eight, so I have to be ready by seven-thirty."

"Jesus Christ, are you going to the UK?"

Misty paused for a moment but shook her head. "She didn't say I needed a passport. I think we're just drivin' wherever."

"You're going to have to keep me updated, you know I'm nosy."

"Oh, I know."


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