chapter nine

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        GEORGIA WAS ENJOYING A NICE BATH later that same night, one of her elbows propped up on the outer rim of the tub as her hand held a leather notebook in her hand

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        GEORGIA WAS ENJOYING A NICE BATH later that same night, one of her elbows propped up on the outer rim of the tub as her hand held a leather notebook in her hand. It actually belonged to her mother, a diary from her teen years.

Georgia knew it was kind of an invasion of privacy, but Lillian was long past dead to scold her and Georgia had already read it more than once. That diary was one of Georgia's favorite things to read. To learn about her mom as a youngster, so lively and detailing her life as a drama.

Georgia was just reading about Lillian's fight with a close friend when her phone rang. Georgia flinched, luckily not dropping the book into the hot, bubbly water. She set it aside, fumbling around to grab her phone off the nearby ground.

"Sup, hobbledehoy?" she answered the phone.

"Hey, so Scott took Derek's advice and we went back to the bus—" Stiles was barely able to even begin.

"You went without me?!" Georgia gasped.

"It was a Batman and Robin situation," Stiles said pathetically. Georgia rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"Oh that is a load of horse shit, you wish you were Batman," she retorted.

"That's not the point!" Stiles exclaimed, "Anyways, it worked and Scott got his memory back. He was there with the bus driver last night and Derek killed him."

"Why would Derek help him solve the murder if Derek's the killer?" Georgia asked confusedly.

"No clue, but Scott's certain it's him," Stiles shrugged from the other end of the phone. Georgia hummed in suspicion.

"I guess. But, hey, next time y'all wanna play detective, fucking invite me," Georgia snapped, although her voice had a humorous edge that made Stiles chuckle.

"Yes ma'am," he agreed.

"I'm gonna go now, I don't like talking to you naked," Georgia revealed.

"You're naked—?"

"Bye Stiles!" Georgia hung up, tossing the phone aside and slipping deeper into the water, fully submerging herself.

She stayed like that for as long as she could before suddenly coming up, gasping for air. Her head felt tight from holding her breath for so long, but she simply pushed her wet hair out of her face and regained her breath calmly.

Eventually Georgia got out and dried off, tucking her mom's journal under her mattress before getting dressed. Just as she had sat down at her messy dresser to update her own journal, there was a knock at the door.

Georgia slipped the photos of the bus and Scott as a werewolf she had printed out of sight before calling, "Come in."

Nate entered the horribly disorganized room with a smile, still in uniform, "Hey, I'm making ramen, you want some?"

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