chapter forty-seven

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        ISAAC FUCKING LAHEE is honestly such a qain in my ass

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        ISAAC FUCKING LAHEE is honestly such a qain in my ass. like seriously what a puppy bitch. i know this jurnel is suposed to de facts only and not my qersonal feelings but he really is a know it all. talking about me wearing short skirts to try and make stiles "man up" or some shit. it's dullshit. it rlly is.

anyways, they tried to kill lydia cause they think she's the kanima. they tested her in chem. dy putting kanina gooq on the little ebidl crystal. so i jumped up & ate it instead making me paralyzed right there.

of course it didn't matter. they still were convinced so we had to qrotect her at scott's. you already know i kicked that quqqy bitch's ass forreal. i delt with isaac & allison delt with erica, then we tossed them out at berek's feet.

turns out jackass whittewhore is the kanima. fuck.

Willow smiled faintly as her eyes ran along the page of messy writing. Right beside the paragraphs was a doodle of a girl stick figure in a skirt kicking a curly haired boy stick figure.

The older sister was given a few of Georgia's notebooks to educate herself on everything that happened in Beacon Hills before she showed up. Part of it was Willow's attempt to connect with Georgia better. It was amusing to read her rants about Isaac Lahey, the boy now one of her closest friends.

However, as Willow skimmed over the section again, her brows furrowed. Now that she was looking for them, she realized there was a lot of spelling errors. The grammar wasn't quite as bad, but the writing was. Countless times she mixed up Ps versus Qs, or Ds versus Bs.

Willow carefully shut the notebook, standing to her feet. She pet Buffy the cat as she passed, smiling at the kitty. Her fuzzy sock's made little noise against the floor as she headed upstairs, straight for Georgia's bedroom.

Of course the alpha heard her coming and swung the door open before Willow could even knock. Willow was surprised to see her properly dressed in dark skinny jeans and a cropped halter top, her hair and makeup done.

"Oh," Willow blurted, her brows raising. It had been a little over a week since Georgia went to school, too busy practicing how to manage her strength and such, "Are you going to school today?"

Georgia nodded, her blonde curls bouncing, "Yep. Figured it's about time."

"Good," Willow smiled, "I think you're ready too."

They spent a lot of time down in the basement, hitting punching bags or doing different routines. Georgia had broken a lot of things around the house from grabbing them too harshly, but she was getting better. Usually they spent the first half of the day training, and then Stiles and the others would be back from school and Georgia would go with them.

"Did you need something?" the blonde interrupted Willow's train of thought. As Willow nodded, Georgia moved back into her bedroom to continue gathering her things.

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