Into The Dark We Go

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Yeahhh, by the time of writing this we have finally surpassed 3K reads!! That's absolutely amazing! I can't thank all of you enough for all the support you've given, all the votes and all the comments! It really does mean a lot to be able to entertain people through this story of mine, which to be honest started out as nothing but just fantasy in my younger self's mind... Hope this story could further entertain you all, and... Yeah, thank you so much.

(P.S. We've also surpassed 50 chapters, including all the extra stuff, so yeah cool stuff)

Donghoon parked his car just far enough from the gate of the Residence so that he wouldn't be spotted by any of the CCTVs nor securities. It was all very much silent, much like what you'd expect at midnight, so Donghoon did take great care in making sure that he didn't produce any unnecessary noise, with only having Yoomes' voice in his ear to guide him.

"Donghoon, I don't know if you can see this from where you are but, the security guards are already starting to switch shifts with one another. So, I guess if you are to breach into the residence, now would be the best time."

Okay, hyung, Donghoon mentally responded, as he saw through his night-vision spectacles that indeed what Yoomes had said was true. Facing the wall that was located right next to his car, Donghoon looked up and saw the barbed wires that had been added as further protection. At first, Donghoon was rather stumped at how he was going to enter the residence without being known, but after having confirmed with Yoomes that the object he had in mind was available, Donghoon no longer had to worry about anything else but just executing his plan right.

Here I go, Donghoon thought to himself as he slowly scaled up the walls with the help of the enhanced gloves that the Department had given. With every single time that he got closer and closer to the top, Donghoon continuously made sure that nobody was around. Even with his dark camouflage attire lended from Yoomes just this afternoon, Donghoon just couldn't be too cautious in a mission like this. Thankfully, no car did come passing by and as such, he made it easily to the top where the wires were located.

"Okay, here we go," Donghoon muttered, as he took out a pair of metal pliers which he knew could easily take care of the wires as long as he was careful. The only problem now left was the CCTVs that were located near the walls. Having thought of this beforehand, Donghoon grabbed from his pocket a small device which he had specifically asked from Yoomes.

A small EMP bomb.

Donghoon switched it on, and if all things went according to plan, all electronic devices within five metres should be down and out. Just enough range to kill any CCTVs which might catch him, but also small enough that it wouldn't affect any of the residents' houses arousing suspicions.

Now the time was ticking.

Donghoon knew that the effects of the bomb would only last for five minutes, and as such he quickly cut his way through the wires. Although it did take him a lot of effort to cut off a section of the wires completely, he did manage to get over the wall with time to spare. Donghoon slowly descended onto the Residence's grounds and immediately dissolved into the shadows before the CCTV could turn on.

"I'm already in," Donghoon whispered into his earpiece, notifying Yoomes.


Donghoon then continued to make his way through the dark alleys and finally arrived at Minho's mansion. No light was coming from inside, so it was safe to assume that indeed everyone was asleep. Donghoon sneaked his way to the front of the house, and after having disrupted the CCTVs there, this time with an EMP gun, Donghoon climbed up the garage door and made his way in.

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