Yoomes Bond: The Grasshopper

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It was around mid-summer of 2010, an individual wearing an emerald green tuxedo entered the casino.

A man's voice guiding him through every step in his earphone, "Hyung, be careful! This place is full of people blacklisted by the CIA and FBI

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A man's voice guiding him through every step in his earphone, "Hyung, be careful! This place is full of people blacklisted by the CIA and FBI." Yoomes Bond muttered under his breath, "Kwang Soo, how many times have I told you to stop doubting my professionality."

"An yah, I'm not doubting you, and haven't we discussed about me having my own spy name?" Kwang Soo asked with a little hint of annoyance. "Kwang Soo, if you truly want a spy name, here's one, Kwang Buram. How about that?" Yoomes retorted back. Both of them often have this sort of argument in every mission. Kwang Soo started becoming his spy assistant  ever since Ji Suk Jin (or Ji Lupin as he liked to call himself) retired to start a new life in Paris.

Ignoring Kwang Soo's rant in his ear, Yoomes headed towards the minibar. He decided to blend in with the guesses, "Martini please, shaken not stirred." He was on a mission of tracking the leader of a terrorist group, The Self-Proclaimed Hunter. He asked the bartender some cryptic questions, but the bartender didn't provide any useful informations. Kwang Buram's voice suddenly rang in his ear, "Hyung! GPS tracked a huge convoy coming into the casino's parking lot. That might be our target."
"Aigh, Kwang Buram! Don't shout into my ears. Another couple of years with you, I might just lose it considering my age. Both my hearing and my sanity!" People were already looking at Yoomes weidly as he sat there talking to an 'imaginary' friend, Kwang Buram. After some angry muttering, Yoomes thought that he should take a look at this new situation and went into the lobby to take a look at the guesses from the convoy.

The lobby was pretty crowded when five or six men in black suddenly ordered all of the crowds to step away from the door. A giant of a man stepped in, he was wearing a cloak and seemed to cover his identity with a mask. Yoomes didn't know why, but he seemed to have met this person before. Something in the way that person moved and dressed. Before anyone could notice, Yoomes slipped through the crowd and followed the man.

"Hyung, what exactly is your plan?" Kwang Buram asked Yoomes. Yoomes simply answered (simply by his standards), "Just like what you said, Kwang Buram, it was said that The Hunter was going to meet with other heads of terrorist this night in this casino. So, I'm now going to follow a person who I think is a part of that meeting." "Be careful, hyung!"

It looked like the man, who was before escorted by those men in black, was now walking alone in a deserted corridor. Yoomes followed him, trying his best to stay in the shadows (which was hard as there were nearly lamps in every corner). The man went around a corner, and Yoomes was still behind his tail. As Yoomes turned around the corner, he came to see that there was nobody in the corridor. 'How come he could walk so fast?' Yoomes thought. Before he could react, a large silhoutte knocked Yoomes from the back.

"Hyung, what's happening? Hyung!" Kwang Soo shouted in Yoomes' ears. Yoomes was too shocked to answer (and to remember Kwang Soo's spy name). The silhoutte turned out to belong to the giant man, he came face to face with Yoomes and said in a voice so familiar, "Hello, mettugi (grasshopper)."

Before Kwang Soo could record that man's voice, Yoomes Bond's connection was broken

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Before Kwang Soo could record that man's voice, Yoomes Bond's connection was broken. "Hyung! Hyung! Oh, no!" Kwang Soo broke out into a scream. Other spy assistants were looking at him. Kwang Soo was new in this spy business, but he knew that he just heard a hostage situation coming. He decided to meet the Spy President, President Dong Wan.

So, what do you guys think?
I hope that's good enough for the beginning of the story, and don't worry the other members are coming (though not in the way you think).
And if anybody already knows who the man with the mask is, then let me tell you, more of him will come.

Thank you and have a good day!

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