Gary's Redemption Pt. 3

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Well, hello there folks! I'm back at it again and this time, it's for some more Running Man!! Anyways, I'm really happy to be back writing this, it really did feel great to write down this chapter! But besides that, we're once again back with Gary's pursuit for vengeance so let's get right into it! Enjoy!

Gary was thankful for the busy streets of Seoul, for if it wasn't for them, there was no way for him to be able to catch up to that sedan. Thinking quickly, Gary immediately grabbed a cab and told the driver to tail his target. Although he was not sure whether his tailing was noticed or not, Gary was nevertheless more than satisfied to have not lost his only lead.

Once they had managed to pass through all the hustle and bustle, Gary's tailing led him to the entrance of a luxurious residential area near to outskirts of Seoul. Although the sedan easily made its way pass the security, Gary knew that he had no business in such a place and as such from afar, he quickly told the driver to drop him.

"Thank you very much," he told the driver, giving him a tip just before getting out.

Once he had made sure that the taxi was already out of sight, Gary quickly scanned the nearby area for any way to enter the residence without notice. However, the area had been fully fenced and there was no possible way to tell whether there was any additional precautions installed or not, and as such, Gary couldn't just randomly try to climb his way over.

"Come on, think!" Gary told himself, knowing fully well that every passing second was valuable.

Fortunately, an idea immediately popped into his head as soon as a dumpster truck passed by him. Without hesitating for even a single moment, Gary quickly ran as fast as he could and jumped onto the back of the truck. He knew fully well that the impact had to have produced quite the loud thump, and thus to prevent any further detection, he quickly climbed his way onto the suspensions of the truck. He knew fully well how dangerous his stunt was, but thankfully the truck immediately stopped as planned. During this short period of time when one of the garbagemen up front got down to check what was going on, Gary quickly scampered his way onto the suspensions and out of sight.

"It's nothing," he could hear the voice of the garbageman calling out.

"You sure about that!?" His colleague in front replied.

"Yeah, and there's nobody else here too, so I guess it had to be the wind or something."

"Really? I thought I saw a man before just next to the road before..."

"Yah, must be your imagination! Anyways, let's get going, we can't be anymore late than we already are!"

And thus the truck continued to carry out its duty, and Gary safely managed to enter the residence. Although he was at one point very much worried that the security would still somehow detect his presence, he was thankful to find out that due to possible leniency when it came to public-service vehicles such as the dumpster truck, the security did not do that much of a thorough check. As such, he made it pass through the security and into the residence.

"Alright, time to find that car," Gary muttered to himself. As soon as he felt that the truck was already out of the securities' line of vision, Gary dropped down from the suspensions and waited with bated breath for the truck to pass by him. As soon as he could once again see the blue sky, Gary quickly got up and started walking.

Although there was nobody around in sight, Gary knew off the presence of CCTVs that were usually so often to be found in places like these, thus he opted to pull his hoodie over his face. He knew that it might be suspicious to see a hooded man walking down the streets of a rich suburban, but it was better than having his whole face revealed directly for the public to see.

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