2K Reads Special #2: The Grasshopper and His Apprentice, The Giraffe!

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Welp, here's the second special everybody! I hope that you had enjoyed the previous one, but I do have to admit that the writing kinda got messy at the end there... So here I am hoping that this special, a much shorter one compared to the last one, would be much more consistent in terms of the quality of writing... And so here we go!!

Let us all bear witness to the first day when these two met!

Kwang Soo was excited. He was so excited that he could barely hold in the scream of excitement building up inside him. Today, he was finally going to be the number one thing he had always wanted to be... A spy!

How did it come to this, you may ask? Well, let's just say that Kwang Soo, being the son of a military man himself, was approached by Dong Wan one day during his visit to the hospital. Seeing that the two of them had very similar background with the occupation of their fathers, Dong Wan took interest in the young man and decided to bring him into the Spy business without any hesitation. Once hearing Dong Wan's proposal, Kwang Soo too accepted without hesitation. It was kind of a dumb move if you think about it... Especially seeing that Dong Wan was just a complete stranger to him a few minutes ago, but well, it was Kwang Soo. What else would you have expected from the Giraffe?

Fortunately, Dong Wan himself was actually genuine and had no intention of frauding him, so it might as well be considered a win-win solution.

Nevertheless, coming to the address that Dong Wan had given him, Kwang Soo made his way with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I'm really going to be a spy!" He giddily repeated throughout his whole journey. "Man... I need to tell my mom about this."

But Kwang Soo remembered the promise that he had made to Dong Wan just yesterday about not leaking any news about this, and so Kwang Soo immediately threw away the thought. He didn't want to subject his mother to any unnecessary harm.

Kwang Soo's journey finally brought him to a grey building in the middle of a shopping complex in the middle of Seoul. It wasn't that the building was small, but it was surely not as glamorous as he had originally thought.

"Aish, did I make the wrong turn..?" He asked unsurely to himself.

"I can guarantee you that you did not, young sir Kwang Soo."

The voice turned out to be none other than Dong Wan himself, who had kindly come to greet the spy-in-making. Today, Dong Wan was wearing his signature female wig, and so the first time Kwang Soo laid his eyes on him, he had quite the surprise. Noticing this, Dong Wan dismissed it as nothing but the kind of fashion that he enjoyed wearing.

Not wanting to offend his potential future boss, Kwang Soo politely nodded.


The first impression that Yoomes had about Kwang Soo was that he was a man of very little reliability, which was quickly apparent during their first session with each other. However over time, this opinion had indeed slowly changed as Kwang Soo showed glimpse of his brilliance every now and then, but whenever this situation would arise, it would turn back into history as quickly as it had arrived.

Nevertheless, back to the current timeline, Dong Wan had just finished introducing the veteran spy to his newly-appointed apprentice. Yoomes kindly acknowledged Kwang Soo and told him to wait for a while as he was talking to Dong Wan out of eavesdropping range.

"Who is this kid again?" Yoomes asked his Director.

"A young man whom I see potential in," Dong Wan cheerfully replied.

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