The Young CEO!

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Sorry, guys and gals so much for how long I have been not writing! This past few weeks have been busy with school and all, but worry not because I am going to redempt myself with this super-chapters week! Anyway, here's the newest chapter of Superpowers! Running Man.


Donghoon was sitting on the furthest end of the table during the meeting. He was bored, none of it was sinking in. The memory of the so-called "graduation" still fresh in his mind. Byul realised this, and had taken Donghoon's role as the negotiator.

"I'm sorry sir, but we couldn't continue our partnership with Korean National Petrol. We decided that it would be more beneficial for us to allow ourselves to distribute our product to any petrol company, both national and international. Please give Mr. Lee Minho our apology," Byul said to the representatives of KNP. It had been a major ache for HaOil, their relationship with KNP which started nicely had grown into a nuisance which forbid them from getting more consumer. HaOil was slowly falling down in the atock market.

Something caught Donghoon's attention though, but it wasn't the matter on-hand. "Excuse me, but where exactly is Mr. Lee Minho? Mister..... who are you again?"

The man who introduced himself (once again) as Kim Myunghu stated that Mr. Lee Minho was still sick and resting at his mansion.

"That guy is as careless as always," Donghoon muttered under his breath. He and Minho went way back, and their past was one of the main reason Donghoon agreed to the partnership in the first place. Their attittude towards each other however, was always sensitive. There was more history between them than meets the eye, a dark past filled with tears and blood. Nobody was paying attention at Donghoon, they were continuing their discussion which had took a nasty turn. None of them were giving a chance for the other to talk, and it was causing Donghoon a headache.

"Wait, stop, stop!"

Donghoon was pleased that everyone inside the room was now looking at him, Byul raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wait, Mr. Myunhu, are you new? I've never seen you before, where was the last guy," Donghoon asked.

Silence set in, sweat was trickling down Myunhu's face. Why? He finally answered, "The last man quits and is now happily enjoying his retirement in the States."

"Jincha, he was still young, wasn't he?"Donghoon asked. He was not sure if he trusted Myunhu. "I need to go to the bathroom," Donghoon said. He needed some fresh air, he left from the room slamming the door in the process.

The cold water helped Donghoon to calm his nerves, he was not ready for any of this. The whole spy thing, and the company. There was just so much stuff he could care of, and he was nearly to his limits.

He put his grandfather's pocketwatch besides the sink as he just stood there looking at the nothingness the wall opposite of him provided. Ohhhh, his grandfather's pocketwatch. It was how it all started for him. How he got into the spy business, how he saved Suzy to Minho's distaste.


That name brought a wave of burried emotions rushing through Donghoon's mind. He didn't want to remember, the cost of remembering was too painful. He also remembered how he 'saved' her. He had used the pocketwatch, he remembered the nausea as he travelled through the sands of time.

"This is my last and most precious gift to you," his grandfather had once said. "I have to warn you though, that it comes with a heavy price."

The sound of the doorknob turning took Donghoon's attention. A man came in, he was buff and looked like a pro-wrestler. The man covered his face underneath a hoodie, and didn't give Donghoon any glance.

This was Donghoon's cue, he put his pocketwatch into his pocket and headed for the door. As his hand was just about to reach out for the doorknob, a pair of hands tugged his neck from behind. The man was trying to choke Donghoon, and he was doing an effective job. In less than a minute, Donghoon was as unconcious as a log. The door opened once again this time to make way for a woman this time.

"You know this is the male's restroom, right?"

"I know, but there's really no harm in me entering right," Si-Young answered.

Both of them looked at the unconcious man lying before them. "Should we kill him now?"

Sung Hoon was about to say "yes" when a huge alarm rang through the corridors.

Sung Hoon swore, "It's the stupid alarm." He saw the CCTV and immediately took a knife from his pocket and threw it towards the camera. He was so careless in forgetting that there must be at least one CCTV watching the sinks. He knew the drill, he had to fight his way out.

Both Si-Young and Sung Hoon took a gun from their pockets, and with Sung Hoon carrying Donghoon, they made their way out of the bathroom and into the faces of the tens of securities in front of them.

Jihyo and Gary was eating some ice-cream when their notification went off. It was an assault on HaOil Tower, and they were needed there ASAP.

"This is odd, isn't this what cops do?" Gary asked.

"Oppa, that is Donghoon's office," Jihyo answered, amused by Gary's reaction.

"Oh yeah."

They immediately ran into the building's direction, hoping they wouldn't be too late.

Lights. Darkness. Light. Darkness.

Donghoon felt dizzy. He could hear a gunshot in the distance. He felt as if he was floating, his feet weren't touching the ground. That was because his feet was indeed not on the ground.

He was being carried by the man. He knew something was off. He couldn't see clearly as dark spots appeared in his eyesight, but he could see red.


He heard someone screaming from behind him, which meant it came from someone in front of the man, something familiar about the voice.

Bang. Another gunshot. Bang.

The man passed through the woman, she looked oddly familiar. Her face looked exactly like....... Like...... Byul!

In a burst of anger, Donghoon elbowed the man's face and ran towards Byul.

"Byul, please say something," Donghoon yelled frantically. Her once beautiful face looked angelic, but didn't show any signs of life.

"Why you," Donghoon lunged into the man.

The next few moments were blurred by Donghoon's rage. He remembered someone, Gary perhaps, coming into his aid. He remembered the others coming and fending off the murderers until they fled. He remembered someone leading him into an ambulance. Then there was nothing else to remember.

Donghoon woke up with a start.


Kwang Soo who was just asleep a moment ago woke up too. "Hyung, you're awake! How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need something?"

Kwang Soo's word was drowned underneath the realisation of what had just happened.

"Byul's dead."

Kwang Soo stopped immediately. "I'm sorry, hyung," Kwang Soo said softly. "I'll take some water."

With that he left the ambulance.

Donghoon was left with himself and his grandfather's pocketwatch. He was about to cry, but he knew Byul wouldn't want that. He knew what he had to do.

Donghoon recited a line he had once blurted out. He held the watch closely to his chest as he said the words.

"The one who controls time."

That's a wrap! Once again, sorry for my late update. I'll write more this week.

Once again, thank you and have a good day.

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