2K Reads Special #1: Zombie Infestation Pt.5

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Okayy! We're finally down to the penultimate chapter of this first special! Hope you've all been enjoying this and let's just get right into it!

"Garyyy!!!" Donghoon shouted out. He was elated to finally be able to see someone else for a change.

"Come on! Quick, we've gotta get away from those zombies!!" Gary shouted back.

It turned out that Gary was not alone. He was also with Ji Lupin, which although didn't give Donghoon much confident, still relieved him. He was very much glad to see his friend back from Paris again.

"Who's the girl?"Ji Lupin asked as soon as Donghoon was close enough to be seen. However, since knowing that the situation that they were in didn't allow for any such small talks, Ji Lupin didn't wait for an answer.

And so, the three of them immediately went back up the escalator that Gary and Ji Lupin had just walked down from.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the mall...

Jihyo and Kwang Soo were not in a good spot. They were both trapped in the small room, and had no means of escaping the horde of zombies which had just suddenly risen from the floor. The two of them knew in the back of their mind that it was all just a simulation, but it all looked so real that they couldn't help but still be filled with terror.

"Noona, what are we going to do!?" Kwang Soo yelled out in fear. The two of them had nothing to defend themselves with besides the wooden stick Jihyo had picked up before, but even that didn't prove to be much of use.

Realising this, Jihyo immediately shifted her attention towards the cabinet that was also in the room with them, and passed the stick to Kwang Soo.

"Kwang Soo, keep all of them distracted!"

"Aish, how am I supposed to do that!?"

"Just do it!!"

Jihyo opened the cabinet and immediately found the syringes which Donghoon had left behind. Thinking that nothing could be worse than the predicament that they were in, Jihyo injected herself with a shot without any hesitation. And then, all the blood in Jihyo's body seemed to stop flowing.

"Noona, are you okay?" Kwang Soo asked in fear after realising that his noona had not been making any noises ever since she went to check on the cabinet. Worried, Kwang Soo stole a quick glance behind him and finally saw what had happened. The sight that greeted him sent shivers all the way up his spine.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed in terror, jumping to a corner of the room in the process.

The Jihyo that Kwang Soo knew was no longer there, instead in her place was a pale-skinned zombie with the hair that matched exactly as Jihyo's. But just before Kwang Soo was about to lose his mind or pee in his pants (or maybe even both), Jihyo's voice called out to him from the mouth of the newly formed zombie.

"Kwang Soo, it's okay! It's still me! I think this syringe turned me into one of the zombies too, but I don't think it did anything to my brain."

"Jincha!?" Kwang Soo asked in disbelief. "T-then please give me one noona, maybe it might help us disguise ourselves among the zombies."

And so, Jihyo tossed Kwang Soo one of the syringes. Once having caught it, Kwang Soo immediately gave him a small shot just around his shoulder area. Nothing seemed to happen at first, but the two of them finally realised after a couple of seconds that all of the zombies had stopped attacking.


Gary, Donghoon and Ji Lupin continued to evade the zombies. It felt like their legs were burning, but they did their best to ignore the sensation. Donghoon had explained to them about the whole situation as they were running, and so they were no longer in the dark about what was actually going on.

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