The Hunter Vs The Hunted

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Yes! The showdown between the two mega powers of this series is here.

A side note: This chapter happens in the same timescope of the next chapter, so please don't be confused.

Okay, here we go!

Yoomes was still stucked in the staff room. This time, there weren't any sharp edges he could us to break free. Thankfully, he was prepared. When the man tied him before, Yoomes had put as much space as he could between his hands. So, all he needed to do was to loosen the rope by moving his arms clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Finally, he was free. Yoomes now took some time to look around him. Besides himself, there was only two chairs in the room. He slowly tiptoed to the door in front of him, and opened it to make a little bit of space for him to peek outside. There was one man carrying an assault rifle, he seemed to haven't notice Yoomes, but Yoomes doubt that man was alone. 'There must be another person on the other side of the door," Yoomes thought. After some time of figuring out how to escape, Yoomes finally came to a conclusion that he must take out the man that he could see, and take the gun from that man and shoot the man on the other side. It was risky, but it was the only way.

So, in the count of 3, Yoomes stepped out from the room and The Grasshopper sprang into action.

It was over before it started. Both of the men were equally shocked from Yoomes' sudden ambush. In the end, both of the gunmen were down for the count and were hid inside the room where Yoomes was locked in before.

Yoomes had entered a sort of a hallway. He saw that to his right side was a dead end, and so he went to the left side. It was quite a long distance before Yoomes arrived on a door. It was translucent, and therefore Yoomes couldn't see what's on the other side. With fingers crossed, Yoomes opened the door with a silent 'creak'.

He entered the waiting area where thousands of people were being held hostage. There were some gunmen in the distance, and they hadn't notice Yoomes. Yoomes was just about to sneak and blend in with the crowd, before a gun was smacked to his face.

Yoomes was unconcious for most of the part. He woke up to find himself being carried to the roof of the airport. How they got there, he did not know of. He was dropped to the concrete ground, which tasted like concrete. Yoomes wiped the blood from the wound caused by the gun being smacked into his face, before standing up on his two own feet.

He was then left alone with the man standing in front of him. "Hello, my old friend," Minsoo greeted Yoomes. Yoomes acted cool and greeted him back. Minsoo explained why he brought Yoomes to the roof, "The reason I called you here is to finish our score. You had stopped me that time in London, and I have caught you in the casino. We're one all now, so I want to settle this conflict between us." Yoomes was confused, "How?"

Minsoo gave out a little groan of frustration before continuing his rant, "I have held this airport hostage, and now all of the news have only broadcasted about this. I intend on getting a ransom of about 1 billion won (around 1 million US dollar) and a free escape from this joke of a country through negotiation." Yoomes fought back, "Do you really think that's going to work?"

"No, no, no. That's just a bonus. The main purpose of this is to humiliate you! YOOMES! I intend on showing your final moments on live television, and you shall also expose all about your little spy department's darkest secrets before I cut your sorry excuse of a head."

Yoomes couldn't believe that Minsoo, his former colleague, could be consumed in so much hate that he'd forgotten a crucial hole in his plan. He had thousands of hostages and only few men in charge of controlling the hostages. The army could easily come up with an ambush and take out all of the hostiles in less than a minute. Yoomes kept quite about this though. This was his chance to get rid the world of this dangerous man.

Yoomes lunged and grabbed Minsoo on the collar of his cloak, and he yanked Minsoo with all of his strength. Minsoo quickly recovered and was already on his guard when Yoomes striked again. Yoomes was on the offensive when, with a sudden outburst of power, Minsoo punched Yoomes on the abdomen. Yoomes was stunned, and Minsoo took the moment to kick Yoomes off his balance. Yoomes fell to the ground, for the second time.

Yoomes then used his leg to sweep Minsoo off his feet, and Minsoo fell to the ground with a loud 'crunch'. Both Yoomes and Minsoo was cut open, but this didn't stop them. They let out all of their anger and hate on each other for the next ten minute. Each of them punching one another, and kicking, and beating the heck out of each other.

"You have improved in your strength and stamina, mettugi."

Yoomes ignored the comment before springing into another set of punches, but Minsoo had avoided all of them. When Yoomes stopped his attack due to fatigue, Minsoo used all of his might on an uppercut to Yoomes' jawbone. Yoomes took some steps backward. He couldn't bear the pain, he was fell to his knees, his hand trying to lessen the pain by rubbing his fractured jaw.

Minsoo took a small knife from his arsenal beneath his cloak, "Time to end this, mettugi." He ran to Yoomes to deal the finishing blow.

A sound of a shot being fired accompanied by the sound of The Hunter, Choi Minsoo's body collapsing down buzzed through the roofs of the airport. Minsoo was shot on his knee and his arms, causing him to drop the knife. The man who shot The Hunter and saved Yoomes was none other than the one and only, The Commander, Sgt. Kim Jongkook.

Wow! That was an action-packed chapter, and The Commander finnaly showed his face in the end. How did he get there? Find out in the next chapter of (in a dramatic epic voice) Running Man Forever.

Thank you and have a good day!

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