Repeat, Rewind, Defeat

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ANDWAE!!!! Yep, that's Kwang Soo's catchphrase. Why did I use it for this chapter though? I used it because the climax of this chapter would make you exclaim the exact same thing. Don't believe me. Just read and find out.

Sung Hoon was confused how the young CEO had known about his coming. Kwang Soo was still pointing the gun towards the direction of the Bounty Hunter.

It was as if time stood still. Nobody dared move, afraid that even a slight movement would cause chaos. The CCTV on the side of the bathroom was already offline. Donghoon had asked a curious security guard to turn it off just minutes before the meeting. The guard was confused by the request, but did as he was told to do.

Si-Young knew something was wrong right off the bat. She wanted to check and see if Sung Hoon was okay, but decided against it. She knew the drill. If any of them were caught, the other must escape and finish the mission on another day. Oddly, she didn't feel okay leaving Sung Hoon behind. She finally decided to check.

Gary and Jihyo were quietly eating ice-cream as they sat in front of a local café. Jihyo had told Gary about her wanting to live alone, but she knew Gary was upset. She wanted to comfort him and told him that it was not him that caused her to want to move away.

"Gary oppa, please don't be mad, but I want you to know that I'm really grateful for being taken care by you. Ever since the airport incident, you have helped me adjust to this new life. I trust you, and that's why I told you my real name. Remember when we first met, I immediately told you my name. You're the first person in years that knows my real name. So please, don't take this the wrong way. I don't want to burden you anymore. I want to be able to stand up for myself.  Is that really wrong," Jihyo was really letting all of her emotions took control. She didn't want to cry, but her eyesight began to blur of the tears forming in her eyes.

Gary felt bad about Jihyo crying, but he also couldn't explain how he felt.

"Jihyo, I'm truly okay with you living by yourself. I just don't want you to go because you're ------"

Gary was interrupted by the ringtone of his phone. It was Donghoon.

"Hello, yah, Gary! Where are you? I've got a situation right now. There was this guy who tried to kill me, and now I'm chasing him and his accomplice downtown."

"Okay, I'll be right there," Gary answered.

Donghoon put back his phone inside his breastpocket. He was running alongside Kwang Soo after the two bounty hunters. They managed to escape when Si-Young surprised both Kwang Soo and Donghoon with a smoke grenade. Now, they were running away from the young CEO and the Giraffe.

The meeting had just finished, and Byul was worried about Donghoon. Fortunately, Donghoon had just met Kwon Ryeol, the senior advertiser, and told him to tell Byul that he had an errand. 'At least Byul won't be harmed,' Donghoon thought.

Both the bounty hunters were running pass through the many people of Seoul, and they were really quick. It took Kwang Soo and Donghoon all of their effort to keep up.

"Hyung, this is so tireful. I can't do this. Hyung, I think I might die," Kwang Soo exaggerated.

"How many times have I told you to call me Haha! Anyway, you're still in your twenties, how come do you get so easily tired?"

The bounty hunters were now running through a small alley within the maze which is Seoul. They were shooting now, as there was nobody around.

Kwang Soo and Donghoon managed to dodge all of the bullets when they arrived in a small square. It was deserted, and was filled with many empty foodtrucks. The bounty hunters were hiding behind one of those foodtrucks.

Kwang Soo and Donghoon listened intensely for any sound of footsteps.

They heard something. It sounded like  two people, one male and one female. They were coming towards Donghoon and Kwang Soo's location. When the footsteps told Kwang Soo that they were close, Kwang Soo hit as hard as he could.


It was Gary and Jihyo.

"What did you do that for?" Gary asked while rubbing his red forehead.

"I'm sorry, hyung! I thought you were someone else," Kwang Soo said apologetically.

Sadly, the commotion alarmed the bounty hunters of their location. With quickness and stealth, Si-Young shot a bullet blindly towards the direction of the Running Man.

"Gary oppa, watch out!"

Before anyone could realise what had happened, Jihyo fell onto the ground. Her hands covering a gun wound in her abdominal region. She was losing a lot of blood, fast.


Well, that's a cliffhanger. Sorry, but I like doing this. Besides, there must be some sort of repercussion for Donghoon's act. In the real timeline, Byul was shot. Now in this alternated timeline, it was Jihyo who took her place. Logic, right!

Anyway, thank you and have a good day (if you could after reading this chapter).

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