The True Agenda of The Minister

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Well, hello y'all. Can't wait to dive once again into this wonderful fictional world. Today, I'll continue the aftermath after Jongkook's escape. Sadly, the cliffhanger I had made in the chapter "Repeat, Rewind, Defeat" will not be adressed until the next chapter, which will come out after I have published a chapter for The Rise of Yoomed Bond first. Muahahaha! I like keeping this suspense over you guys and gals! Anyway, pls enjoy this new chapter!

Jongkook didn't know what to expect. Joongki sat at the couch facing the softboard hung on the wall. The softboard was full of memos kept by Eunhye about breaking news, natural disasters and some quote from famous people. Eunhye had just left the house a few minutes ago on her way to SBS for briefing. Jongkook didn't ask her what kind of briefing she meant, he had troubled her too much.

"This is a nice house," Joongki commented.

"It's not mine," Jongkook said in response. They sat in silent for a moment, before Jongkook asked the question that had been bugging him ever since Joongki came knocking into his (well, technically Eunhye's, silly Jongkook) doorstep.

"Why are you here, Joongki?"

"Why am I here? Why am I he-- I am here because my chief was just sacked yesterday. I am here because I want to know why, and for your information, I don't want to hear any lies, Sergeant." Joongki was standing now, letting all of his disappointment out. He was disappointed to the man he once called his sergeant. He was disappointed to a man he once called friend. "Let me ask you this one more time, why?"

Jongkook could feel Joongki's glare as he prepared himself to let it all out. "If I'm about to tell you, I need to know sometging first. How did you find me, Lt Sgt. Joongki? How?"

Joongki explained that after he had heard about Jongkook's ecape from the Minister, he had got a message from someone he knew about a man looking like Jongkook staying in a nearby house.

"May I know who is this accomplice of yours?"

Joongki answered, "It's not important. She does not have anything to do with the Ministry, okay. So right now, stop making sure that I'm not on the Minister's order or I will inform him right now! Tell me why! It's just a simple question!"

Jongkook was sure that Joongki was telling the truth, so he finally let out all of the suspicions he had about what the Minister was really up to.

"First of all, I need to be honest with you. Before applying to the Army, I was inside the Spy Department. I had learned all about the history between the former Spy President, Mr. Dong Wan Sr. and then still young politician Kyungkyu. They had once been fellow colleague, but a dispute happened between them. When Dong Wan pointed his own son as his sucessor, Kyungkyu was outraged."

Jongkook continued the story about Kyungkyu leaving his job as a politician and becoming the man he was now. It was clear that Kyungkyu had other business besides the country's well being. He had his own personal agenda, and Jongkook was pretty sure it was on erasing the Spy Department from the history books. During Jongkook's time in the Army, he had also learned about something Kyungkyu was planning called "The Avengers Project". Jongkook decided to leave out the details in his explanation to Joongki.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" Joongki finally asked in the questioning session, which was after the whole explanation.

"What do you mean? Nothing. You do nothing. Just keep quiet, and if you could do your former chief a favor, give some inside intel about Kyungkyu's activity. Anything besides that, don't you dare to tell anybody outside the Army even me. I still want to keep National Security, okay."

Joongki understood that some people might call this treason, but he trusted his former chief's words. He knew that if he spread out the word about Kyungkyu, he would disappear without any trace. His family and people around him could also be in danger. There were many people he wanted to protect. He had promised himself that he would always try his best to protect the elders, the children and the beauties from any harm, and there was one beauty he wanted to protect. Eventhough their relationship had been rocky, he still cared for her. Anyway, Joongki knew the risk, but he would still do it because he knew nobody else could do it. He had the chance to stop a maniac, and he would be one if he didn't seize it.

"Okay, I'll give you intel from now on, but I can't guarantee it's on regular basis. Go to the café near the airport every Sunday, if I'm lucky I could sneak for a little while like today, and meet you there. Be as inconspicuous as possible, I don't want anybody recognizing you."

The talk wad done and Joongki finally left. As Jongkook waved Joongki goodbye, he couldn't help but feeling a little bit of uneasiness. Out of instinct, Jongkook immediately took one of the key of the house (the other one was with Eunhye) and locked the front door. Jongkook needed to tell Yoomes Bond or at least Dong Wan. He needed someone fron the Department to know. As fast as he could, Jongkook bolted towards the center of Seoul, to the Headquarters of The Spy Department.

Wooh! That was quite a long wait, wasn't it? Sorry if this chapter was less action and more talking. I really wanted to give further depth to this fictional universe I'm so familiar with.

Anyway, there's a lot of revelations in this chapter, but there are still much questions to be answered. Who was the person who sent the Bounty Hunters after Donghoon? What is this so-called "Avengers Project?" What happened to Jihyo?

While I can't guarantee all of this questions being answered in the near future, I could definitely guarantee that the next chapter would finally show Jongkook officially joining the Running Man.

Anyway, thank you and have a good day! 🙏🙏😀😀

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