The Ace

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"Hey, wait!"

Ha Donghoon was chasing the lady around Paris. She was agile, but he was quick. Soon Donghoon would be able to catch up, but before he could, two men carrying a glass pane stopped Donghoon. The lady was nowhere to be found.

"Are you really Ji Lupin?" Kwang Soo still found it unbelievable that this forty-ish man was his senior. He looked like he could not run even for his life. "I'm sorry, but aren't you ashamed to be lying at your age?" Kwang Soo blurted out. "Yah! What did you say about my age!? Young kids these days, never know how to treat their elders," Ji Lupin retorted back, "I am truly Ji Lupin, if you do not believe it, you could ask an agent of yours, his name is Yoo Jaesuk."

Kwang Soo was about to say something unintelligent when another man wearing a French hat with a face that lookes slightly like the cartoon character Pororo came with a worried look on his face came. He noticed that we were Korean, and asked us in Korean, "Did you see a lady wearing a black coat running in this direction?" Kwang Soo certainly didn't see anything (as he was busy being skeptical), but Ji Lupin did notice a woman in black running. Ji Lupin answeres, "Yeah, she was running in that direction." He pointed out the direction. The man thanked him and ran towards that direction.

Kwang Soo looked at Ji Lupin with a shocked expression, "Hyung, did you know who that was? Thay was Ha Donghoon, the CEO of HaOil Company. He's a superstar. Maybe we should help him." Ji Lupin looked annoyed, "Ah, I don't care who he is. I'm forty years old and deserve some peace and quiet." He was about to shut the door when Kwang Soo stopped the door with his foot. "Ouch! Hyung, if you're truly the Ji Lupin, show the world who you truly are. Let the world feel your professionalism. Phil!" Kwang Soo put his arm in front of Ji Lupin. Ji Lupin was confused, "What am I supposed to do?" "Put your hands next to mine and say something." Ji Lupin did what he was told and said "Chok!" Together they said "Cross!"

Kwang Soo then bolted into a sprint following Ha Donghoon, Ji Lupin stood there and finally talked himself to 'show the world what he's made of.'

Ha Donghoon was right behind the thief, she ran into a dead end. She was looking at Donghoon surprised, she didn't know that the young CEO also went into a gym everyday. "Hey, I'm gonna be nice as you're a lady, give me my pocketwatch and I'll let you go free of charge." She looked at Donghoon funny, she had long dark hair, white complexion and a sportswomen physique. Behind them, two figures came by, the tall men known as Kwang Soo and the forty years old Ji Lupin.

"Hey, do you really think you could catch The Ace. I'm an infamous treasure hunter, and this pocketwatch used to be owned by an 18th century English governor. This could be a fortune for me, and I could begin a new life as nobody know my real identity. I'm not gonna stop just because of a famous CEO's bluffing." Before anyone could react, The Ace climbed the wall with such ease that she looked like a pro.

"Daebak, I didn't knew a lady could do parkour in Paris," Kwang Soo commented. Ha Donghoon nearly brokedown there, he wanted to cry, but he realised he was in public. He looked at the two people standing behind him, "What do you want?"

Ji Lupin was about to say they wanted nothing when his good old friend, Mr. Kwang Buram himself, said, "We think we could help you get back your pocketwatch."

Ha Donghoon looked stunned, "Jincha!"

Ooooh, that was a long chapter. For all of Mong Jihyo's fan, trust me, she's not only going to be a pickpocket, I got some great ideas for her character.

In the next chapter, we'll mostly see how the betrayal trio act with each other. It's more of a bonding chapter. I hope you'll still like it.

Thank you and have a good day.

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