Gary's Redemption

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Well, hey guys! Welcome back to another chapter of Superpowers! Running Man. This time, we will continue the events after the Bounty Hunter escaped, only now, we look at it from Gary's eyes. So, prepare for some action, thrills and definitely some awesomeness!


It felt like forever for Gary, the moment he saw Jihyo standing in front of him, protecting him, and taking the bullet for him. As Jihyo slowly fell to the earth, her face looked peaceful and beautiful, like an angel, and Gary couldn't help feel that this was it. This was the moment he had been dreading ever since Jihyo wanted to live alone. He was afraid of losing Jihyo, not only in the sense of living together, but also in her well being. There was a lot of bad people here, and most of them weren't afraid in harming Jihyo. It wasn't that Gary didn't trust Jihyo's skills, she was very capable, but sometimes she could be too logical. She couldn't do anything without a plan, and that was the problem. Because life doesn't work that way! It turns plans up on their heads and Jihyo needed to understand that. So, as Jihyo finally stopped falling and the reality of the situation finally hit Gary, he did the only thing he knew to do.

He picked up Jihyo and ran. Ran towards a hospital he was sure he had never visited, but the location of which he fully remembered. Hoping to stop any life from escaping from Jihyo's body. Hoping that he was not a little bit too late. Hoping that there would be a tomorrow after today. Hoping that he still had enough human in him.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That constant sound of the Heart Monitor kept Gary wide awake. He was inside one of the High Care Unit (HCU) room in the hospital sitting right next to the unconcious Jihyo. He arrived at the hospital just in the nick of time, trying to put as much pressure as he could on Jihyo's wound. The doctors didn't ask questions, their mind was only focused on one thing, Jihyo's life, and Gary was grateful for that.

Right now, Jihyo had passed through the first operation. The doctors had made sure that all of her vital organs weren't harmed, and tomorrow, she would undergo her second operation. This time it was to remove the bullet, which luckily stopped just as it was about to puncture her diaphragm, to prevent any infection. Gary knew it would now all be alright, but he couldn't help feel anxious. He was afraid of something even more dangerous happening to people near him. Gary knew Jihyo would want him to rest, but he couldn't. He wanted to find out who was responsible for this. Gary silently left the room, and made up his mind to find the answer.

Gary arrived at the HQ via Running Man taxi (remember, those vans with the dark windows). Yoomes Bond was sitting on his wheelchair, awaiting Gary, his face full of grimness. "I am sorry about Jihyo-ssi," he said. Gary knew it was wrong, but he ignored Yoomes. He didn't want to talk, he wanted to do something. Something helpful. He reached the Reception Area, a huge hall full of tons of computers searching for any sign of threats all around Korea, and commanded the main computer. "Show me footages from all over the area around HaOil Tower at that day!"

The huge screen in front of him displayed multiple screenshots of the HaOil Tower from different point of view. Gary knew that the CCTVs won't show him the full picture, but he'd try to connect the pieces later on. So, he got into work.

Haha was in the hospital, waiting for further news abiut Jihyo. He wasn't alone. There were also Byul, Kwang Soo and Ji Lupin. Byul didn't ask who the others were, she was considerate that way.

The sounds of footsteps woke all of them from a long silence. The doctor came, and everyone stood up, waiting with bated breath to hear the news.

"How is she, doctor?" Haha asked.

"She's recovering, but there's something I need to tell you in closed doors," the doctor said, nodding towards Haha. As Haha followed the doctor on his heel, he was secretely afraid of what he was about to hear.

Gary was walking up the stairs, mentally preparing himself for what would happen in the next few minutes. Just a couple of hours ago, he was in one of the many Shooting Range back at the HQ, shooting targets while he slowly recited the address of the last place the two Bounty Hunters were seen. It turned out that the address was a huge apartment near the banks of Han River, it wasn't really that hard to find out which room the Bounty Hunters were staying in. The apartment was only inhabited by a few people, and most of them were guys. So, it was quite easy to worm out the room with a female inhabitant.

Gary was standing in front of the door. He didn't know what to do. Should he act like a guess and knock, or should he just do a full Bruce Willis and take down both of them without any hesitation? There was no one near, anyway. He decided to choose Option 3, which includes both Option 1 and 2. He knocked, and Thank God, he did. If it weren't for that, he would be dead meat in a matter of seconds. At the instance his fist touched the wooden door, he knew something was off. Gary immediately dove for cover, as rounds and rounds of bullet was shot from an automatic machine-gun which was set to fire when whatever poor thing was stupid enough to touch the door. After the buzzing in his ears had stopped, Gary quickly searched for any sign of the Bounty Hunters, careful not to touch any unecessary things. After a few moment of careful searching, Gary saw the bathroom door ajar. He cautiously walked his way towards the bathroom and took a peak. The small window in the corner of the bathroom was open, and there were signs of struggle of a person trying to get out through there. Without any single hesitation, Gary leaped into action.

Long time no see! I'm sorry for being lazy. Yep, this time I fully blame myself for this long hiatus. I had a lot of school tasks, but for most ocassions, I was just being lazy. Sorry for that 😅😅Anyway, what is going on? What is happening with Jihyo? What was that ominous line in which Gary said about his humanity? What would await Gary in his search for revenge? Tune in on the next chapter of Superpowers! Running Man.

P.S. Anyway props toAvridge for using my idea for her awesome story, CLASS.

Thank you for your long yet totally unnecessary 😅 wait and have a good day!

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