Gary's Redemption Pt. 2

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Oh boy... The day's finally here. We are finally getting back into the thing that started it all for me. The story that had sparked my writing life into... well, life. It's been more than 2 years, alright, and I totally have forgotten some of the things I had laid out. Heck, I even found out that I had some promises of mine that I didn't keep. Man... That sucks really. But still, thankfully, I've gotten my memory refreshed and I'm ready to go!!

Nevertheless, for some of you who might have also forgotten what had happened in the last couple of chapters (excluding the specials), here's a short recap about the Bounty Hunter Arc:

"Two bounty hunters had been sent to kill Haha during a meeting of his one day. Sadly, due to complications, Byul (Haha's wife) was the one accidentally killed. Not wanting this to be the fate that he had to succumb to, Haha went back in time and redid the whole incident. But instead of Byul, this time it was Jihyo who fell as the victim. Wanting revenge, Gary had set out on a path of vengeance to find the two bounty hunters who had done this."

And there you have it! So, without further ado, let's get right into it!!

Haha followed the doctor into his room. It was full of certificates and whatnots. Haha didn't care about any of these. He was fully concentrating on what the doctor was saying.

"So, Ms. Song is currently in her recovery time before the next operation tomorrow. All is well, but there are some sort of complications," the doctor said before standing up and taking a folder from one of his cabinet. He put it in front of Haha.

"I'm sorry, doctor, but I don't really get what you're trying to say," Haha said. The doctor gently pushed a paper towards Haha. It was an X-ray image of what seemed to be Jihyo's brain, and Haha couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw it.

"W-wait, what is this?" he stuttered.

"Sadly, I myself do not know," the doctor replied, looking back at the X-ray image which clearly depicted a small, USB drive-like object lying just next to Jihyo's brain. "It seems that Ms. Song here has been living with quite the suspicious object inside her head without her knowing. I assure you that it isn't causing any harm to the brain or any nearby regions, but seeing that we are still unsure of what it is, it's definitely something we need to keep an eye on."

Donghoon looked down at the floor in shock. He didn't know what to do, he could've changed the fact that Jihyo got shot, but this... this was something beyond him.

"Okay," he finally managed to say. "Thank you doctor."

And thus, Donghoon left the doctor's room with a disturbed state of mind and a feeling of deep worriness for the things that this discovery might warrant in the future.

Meanwhile, on another part of Seoul...

Gary kept running, he had been chasing them over the rooftops of buildings across Seoul for half an hour at least. He was not tired, just irritated. He wanted the Bounty Hunters to stand up and face him. He wanted to punish them for what they had done.

"Yahh!!" He shouted loudly at the two figures running away from him. "You can't run forever!"

Eventhough he did not have the clearest of minds, Gary still managed to maneuvere his away around the rooftops of Seoul pretty easily. He was not losing sight of his two targets, and in fact he was actually closing the distance in quite the fast pace.

"Who is this guy?" Sunghoon asked Si-Young as they slowly descended down from the rooftops.

"I'm not sure, but I think he was one of those people who were with Donghoon yesterday... Still, I'd never thought we would have someone who'd be this persistent in chasing us."

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