So, What's Your Decision?

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Hi, guys and gals! In the time I'm writing this this story had reached almost 250 views, once again, I want to thank all of you for supporting me until now. Now here's another chapter for the day, sorry, it's sorta short.

Here we go!

The exact next day at the exact same time in the exact same room, five people waited for the Spy President to come. It was a full five minutes before Dong Wan arrived. "Sorry for being late," he said cheerfully, "Seeing all of you here, I guess you accepted my offer."

"Not really," Donghoon interrupted, "If I'm doing this, I'd like this spy stuff not to interrupt my business schedule."

"I'll try my best," Dong Wan said, "Any  more requests?"

Nobody said anything. Kwang Soo and Ji Lupin were too tired to comment as they didn't sleep the last night, they had watched spy movies all night in order to get the 'feels' of being a spy. Song Jihyo was still sleepy, she had slept all night until she was woken by Gary at around ten. Gary was pretty sure his boss was annoyed by Gary's sudden resigning from working in the convenience store.

Side Note:
The members of The Running Man Project who hasn't got a full-time job will have a part of The Spy Department's funds as a monthly pay.

"Okay, follow me, everyone," Dong Wan squeaked excitedly.

Dong Wan led everyone to a Mercedes Minivan, a man had waited for their arrival and opened the door. "Thank you," Kwang Soo told that man, "You've done well."

Everyone had entered the minivan, and the door was closed. The man who had opened  the door was now driving. The window of the minivan were all dark, and didn't allow anyone to be able to look outside.

"Why is this van so dark?" Donghoon asked, he had a thing or two about dark places, it made him feel claustrophobic.

"The place we're going is a classified location which is hidden in plain sight, I don't want anyone from the outside to be able to identify us and identify our hideout," Dong Wang cheerfully asked.

It was a long drive.

Jihyo had already gone back to sleep, her head slightly tilting towards Gary's shoulder. Gary just smiled. Donghoon was busy chatting with his wife aka his secretary, Byul, about the current condition of the price of oil per barrel. Kwang Soo was imagining himself as a James Bond ripoff in his mind, and Ji Lupin was oddly looking at the stock market.

"We have arrived," Dong Wan announced.

The door was open by a different man this time, and they were basked in white light.

Jihyo was finally awake, "Where are we? Have we arrived?" she yawned. All of them stepped out from the van, squinting their eyes as their eyes adjusted to the brightness. When they gained back their sight, the view they saw made them gasped in amazement. They were in some sort of lab and there were hundreds of people in white suits walking around.

"Welcome to The Running Man Headquarters," Dong Wan welcomed all of them.

All they could do was stand there and look in amaze at their surroundings.

Okay, now we're starting the real deal! The Running Man has officially started, and the next saga would be starting.

I'd do you a favor and tell you what's the next saga is all about.

The Bounty Hunter Saga
Coming Soon!

Thank you and have a good day!

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