How to Change The Course of History

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Welcome back guys and gals! As promised, I will be uploading more chapters this week.

Okay, here we go!
How will Donghoon change this timeline? Could he save Byul from death just like how he saved a childhood friend years ago? Keep reading and you'll find out!

The nausea hit Donghoon in waves. The first one caused his stomach to churn, and the next one caused an immense amount of pain in his head.

The next second, he was sitting on the floor in a room with the others. There were Kwang Soo, Ji Lupin, Jihyo, Gary, Dong Wan and Yoomes Bond.

He had travelled back to the aftermath of the Graduation. "Hyung, are you okay?" Kwang Soo asked worrily.

"An yah, it's nothing."

"But, you collapsed suddenly and," Kwang Soo continued but was cut off by Yoomes.

"Kwang Soo, if he says he is okay, then he's okay. You're the one who makes everyone not okay, okay?"

Kwang Soo continued their argument while the others laugh, but Donghoon was trapped inside his thoughts. He knew the attack would happen on the exact next day. He had to plan this out. He held his grandfather's pocketwatch tightly in grasp, remembering the last time he had done this.

He had made a promise that time, and he had kept it. Now, it was time for the sequel.

Donghoon was walking with Kwang Soo towards the van. They were last to go as Kwang Soo received some punishment for losing, and Donghoon had decided to wait for him.

"Hyung, I should have won, you know? If I just acted normal, I could've won and receive no punishment," Kwang Soo started.

"Stop! Kwang Soo stop," Donghoon had more important matters in hand. "Just call me Haha from now on, this 'Hyung' business is creeping me out."

Donghoon had never shared his childhood nickname with anyone, besides Byul. Him sharing it with Kwang Soo meant something, he trusted each one of them like family. He had doubted them, especially Jihyo, but have come to terms with them.

"Kwang Soo, could I ask a favor?" Donghoon asked.

"Sure, hyung. I mean Haha."

"Okay, thanks,"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Sorry, Hyung. I've got a phone call. It'a from my father's hospital, I need to answer this first."

"Of course."

With that, their conversation ended. Donghoon had finished his first phase of the plan. Now, all he needed to do was wait for the second phase to come.

He won't let history repeat itself.


When Donghoon came back home, he quicky embraced Byul.

"Oppa, what's this?"

"Nothing, I just feel good back at home."

"Aigh, okay then, but don't sleep on the bed. I've just cleaned it."

"Okay," Donghoon said. His house (or mansion) was full of Christmas Decoration. Donghoon had completely forgotten all about the celebration. He remembered the old tradition back in Germany. He would jump and steal food from the table before the feast began. He remembered his mother scolding him for that. The good old days.

Donghoon promised himself he would bring back the tradition if he survived until Christmas.

Donghoon did the same routine the next day, and went towards the meeting like he had done previously. All of the members were freed from the weekly physical check-up after the Graduation. Donghoon thought that was odd, he thought that they would do extreme check-ups after the Graduation. Anyway, the meeting continued like the previous time, but this time, Donghoon asked Myunhu one extra question.

"Mr. Myunhu, may I ask what sickness Mr. Minho is exactly suffering?" Donghoon asked.

"I'm sorry sir," Myunhu answered with a slight temper. "But that alone is Mr. Minho's private business."

Donghoon went to the bathroom after that exchange of words just like plan. He knew that Myunhu didn't know anything aboit Minho's condition. He had always been the enigmatic type, by which Donghoon meant Minho.

Donghoon opened the door into the bathroom to see one of the stall being occupied. Donghoon washed his hands when the sound of the doorknob turning was heard. The man was just like last time. He was big, buff and looked like he could wrestle a lion. Donghoon knew what was going to happen. The man was about to headlock Donghoon when the stall opened revealing Kwang Soo with a gun in his hand.

All part of the plan.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" Kwang Soo exclaimed. He had been waiting years for this kind of situation to come. He showed his most smug smile as he pointed the gun.

"Checkmate," Donghoon muttered.

Sorry, for a short chapter. This is still the beginning of the arc. Anyways, shout out time. Firstly, I would like to mention sincerelyexo for using my character, Lee Jinsoo in her amazing Running Man 2k17 series. Second, is a shout out to Avridge for being an awesome Running Man author. Definitely check them out.

So that's pretty much it.

Thank you and have a good day! 😀

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