2K Reads Special #1: Zombie Infestation Pt.3

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Okay, this is going to be a short one coz I'm currently out on a holiday but I hope you still enjoy it!

Gary, Jihyo and Kwang Soo hid in the clothing store where Jihyo first originated from. For now they were safe, but they knew that time was of the essence and so came up with a short-term plan.

"Okay, I'll distract the zombies," Gary proposed. "While Jihyo, you and Kwang Soo go find hints about the mission."

"Oppa," Jihyo wanted to complain, but after seeing Gary's determined face, she agreed in the end. It was probably the best way out, and Jihyo knew it. Gary comforted Jihyo by telling her that he would also be looking for the others so that he wouldn't be alone. This seemed, at least, to have relieved her.

"Kwang Soo, you take care of Jihyo okay! No funny business, and no running away!" Gary warned the timid Kwang Soo.

"Yes, hyung! I won't let you down," Kwang Soo replied, feeling proud to have been trusted by his hyung.

And with that, they set off in different paths. Kwang Soo and Jihyo out towards the quieter section of the mall, and Gary towards where most of the noises were coming from.

Ji Lupin was still running for his life by the time we got back to him. He was convinced that he could be a marathon runner by now, but pushed the thought aside. He needed to focus on getting away for now.

"Why are these zombies so quick!?" Ji Lupin blurted out in disbelief. Indeed, the zombies weren't showing their usual stereotype, instead opting for a much quicker speed. This was all Dong Wan's doing, and the president was very much enjoying watching our Big-Nose Hyung running around for the past few minutes.

But in the end, Ji Lupin was still a mortal middle-aged man, and he ended up stopping in his tracts.

"Aish, this is too tiring for a man like me," Lupin panted heavily, totally not fazed by the zombies running after him.

"Yah, just take me!" Ji Lupin shouted out in frustration. "This is just a simulation! Besides, I'm so sleepy... I need a really good nap!"

The zombies didn't seem to hear a word Lupin had said, but nonetheless they kept on getting closer and closer. As soon as they were only a few feet away, Gary appeared from the darkness and started fighting the zombies.

"Hyung, what's up with your kind of people being so easy to give up?" Gary  shouted while attending the undead. "Come help!"

"Ah, what do you mean by my kind? Besides, I wanted to be ousted. I need to sleep really bad, Gary! I--," Ji Lupin retorted, but was then shut up by the fierce look Gary gave him.

"Okay, I'll help then," Lupin answered in defeat. It turned out the zombies were much tougher than they were before, and both Lupin and Gary became overwhelmed by the unending wave of zombies.

"Okay, hyung, we need to start running again!'

"Running? Yah, why?" Ji Lupin complained, thinking of running as a much greater sufering than being pushed by a wave of zombies. Although to be fair, it was indeed only a simulation.

"We need to distract the zombies to allow Jihyo and Kwang Soo search for clues," Gary explained, and reluctantly Ji Lupin agreed to do what he said. "It's for the team," Ji Lupin said under his breath. And so, the two of them once again led the zombies further and further away from the others.

Meanwhile all of this was happening, Donghoon was still busy on the other side of the mall, trying to find more clues about this Last Survivor's whereabout. Unfortunately for him, his luck ended when he found the computer and it had not got better ever since.

"Maybe I should start going to the parts of the mall I haven't visited yet," Donghoon started considering the thought. After several minutes of convincing himself, Donghoon finally bravened himself to venture even deeper into the dark. He decided to go towards the basement.

He didn't know it then, but our Haroro's choice to do that would be a major key in the events that would follow.

Alright, that's all for now! I'm so tired, but thank goodness, I can still make this! Hope you enjoy and have a fantastical day!

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