Giraffe's Journey Becoming A Spy

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"Sir, with all due respect, I just witnessed Yoomes Bond getting taken away by a man," Kwang Soo told President Dong Wang urgently. President Dong Wan was today wearing a grandma outfit (one of his unique traides).

He looked calm on the surface, but Kwang Soo could feel his thoughts setting into motion

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He looked calm on the surface, but Kwang Soo could feel his thoughts setting into motion. "Do you have any other clues about the identity of the man with the mask?" Kwang Soo didn't think it was useful, but he decided to tell President Dong Wan about the man calling Yoomes 'mettugi' or grasshopper. Kwang Soo then felt that he had said an important information when he saw the look of President Dong Wan's face. The President took something from his drawers and put it on top of his desk. Then, he told Kwang Soo about Yoomes Bond's greatest nemesis.


"Yes, yes, yes!" Kwang Soo said over and over in his apartment

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"Yes, yes, yes!" Kwang Soo said over and over in his apartment. He was just told that he was now the thing that he absolutely wanted to become, a spy. He was now so excited that he nearly forgotten all about The Hunter. Nearly. "What am I doing? I'm just a tall guy. What am I supposed to do?" Kwang Soo then asked himself. He was like this nearly all of his life, at one point he'll be dancing uncontrollably, on the other he would be as depressed as a drunken man (maybe that's because he was drunk). After some self-motivation of 'What could go wrong?', Kwang Soo finally decided to do his first task from President Dong Wan.

Find his retired senior, Ji Lupin.

"For all of the passengers of Flight KA7012 headed to Paris, France, please enter through Gate 5A."

Lee Kwang Soo was buying a cup of coffee in the airport's convenience store when the call for his plane was announced. He put his cup of coffee in front of the cashier where a man with an emotionless face stood there waiting for his payment. Kwang Soo thought that the man's eyes were at one point red, but he then thought it was just his imagination. The man's name tag read 'Kang Gary'. "Thank you and have a safe trip," Gary said. Kwang Soo was taken aback by Gary's politeness. "Ah, kamsahamnida. Thank you."

'The planetrip to Paris was alright, thought Kwang Soo, 'much better than helicopter.' Kwang Soo arrived at Paris around 7 p.m. local time. It was already evening, but Kwang Soo was amazed to find out that the sun was still above the horizon. "Daebak," Kwang Soo silently whispered. He took some time to take the situation in, just like every time he went into a new location. After around 30 minutes of taking selfies with the locals, Kwang Soo took a cab to Rue de l’Abreuvoir, where Ji Lupin lived.

The road was surprisingly quiet and there was nobody outside. 'Heesh, quiet neigbourhood," Kwang Soo thought. Kwang Soo stood in front of Ji Lupin's supposed house. It was like all of the other houses, sort of a mix of the 19th century with modern times. Kwang Soo rang the bell, when suddenly a man wearing a brown coat with a big nose and thick round glasses opened the door. "Qui'est-ce que tu veux? Ah, a Korean. What do you want?" Lee Kwang Soo answered with a hushed tone, " I'm looking for Ji Lupin. Is he here? I'm from Korean National Spy Section." Kwang Soo stopped in his track, he just let out a classified information. On his first day. The man was looking at Kwang Soo weirdly, then he said out of nowhere, "Lucky for you, I am Ji Sukjin or better known as Ji Lupin."

"Jincha?" Lee Kwangsoo was surprised. Maybe he was lucky (definitely not true).

Well, that was long. Don't worry more of the members are coming, there was of course a cameo by none other than Mr. Random Capable himself.

Hope you guys have enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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