On The Run

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I'm sorry guys and gals for the long wait, but here's the next chapter. Sadly for you, I like being mean sometimes, so this chapter won't continue the last story, but begins a new one fron Kim Jongkook's perspective. Something bigger is happening besides the Bounty Hunter saga, and its going down now.

(Extra Note: There's also a small announcement about my writing schedule down below)

Anyway, enjoy.

Jongkook was walking down a long corridor. He was now inside the Department of Korean Security Headquarters, about to meet Minister of Defense, Mr. Lee Kyungkyu. He didn't know what to expect, just one day ago, he had met the Minister talking about his previous affiliation.

Jongkook noticed that some people were looking at him funny, some whispered behind his back as he walked. They didn't try to keep a low profile either. Jongkook had given the commandership over the squadron to Song Joongki while he was away. He wasn't worried about his squadron, he was worried about what's in front of him.

Jongkook entered the room which was full of trophies, retro furniture and headlamps. He liked the way the room was arranged, but didn't like the look on the face of the man waiting for him.

"Welcome, Mr. Kim Jongkook," Minister Kyungkyu kindly greeted, although his expression contradict that.

They were not alone, there were two soldiers standing behind Kyungkyu, soundless, bearing arms and looked as if they would kill Jongkook at any moment.

Jongkook queitly sat down in front of Kyungkyu. "Beautiful morning, isn't it, Minister?" Kyungkyu did not answer.

"Forgive me sir, but what was the purpose of you calling me here?"

This time, Kyungkyu answered, "Well, Sgt. Kim Jongkook, I'm sorry to say, but on this day, on the 18th of December, you are declared dispatched from your duty."

Silence fell. Jongkook couldn't believe his ears. His mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to say something.

Finally he managed," Sir, ma- may I ask you exactly why?"

Kyungkyu waited for a moment before answering, "You have not been honest to me, Sergeant. You said that you haven't been in contact with your so called "previous" employer, but I have prove that that wasn't true at all."

"If it is true, Sir, and that's a big if, why would this cause me getting dispached from my duty," emotions rising along Jongkook's voice.

"Because if that is true, and that's a big if, that means you are working with the enemy."

The enemy, the enemy.

Both the soldiers behind Kyungkyu was about to prevent Jongkook from running, but it was too late. Jongkook had bolted from the room, the soldierd on his six. He was dispatched because of Lee Kyungkyu's private jealousy towards The Spy Department. It was a known secret, that Dong Wan Sr. and Minister Kyungkyu had a rocky relationship, and it certainly didn't help that Dong Wan's son was also chosen for the next Head of the Department.

Kyungkyu had his own personal agenda, and Jongkook was now paying the price for standing in front of the way.

Jongkook ran as fast he could, passing the securities who had just realised what had happened along the way. Jongkook escaped through the emergency stairs, skipping two steps every now and then. He could hear the footsteps of the securities and soldiers echoing from behind him.

Jongkook was just about to land on the lowest platform when the door opened to reveal two security guards holding their fists high. Without any thoughts, Jongkook used the momentum from his run to land on one of the guard's chest. This caught the other guard off-balance, and before a blink of an eye, Jongkook gave a nice jab towards the guard. Jongkook had now escaped and on the run.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Yoon Eunhye opened the door to come face-to-face with a tired Jongkook.

"Jongkook oppa, how nice to see you? Why do you look so tired?" Eunhye asked.

Jongkook answered shortly, "I'm sorry, but may I come in first?" Jongkook grew wearier of his surroundings, afraid any soldiers would come and seize him from his freedom. He doubt his name would be announced in public, Lee Kyungkyu would have too many eyes on him. If he wanted to fulfill his agenda, he must do it quietly.

"Sure, sure, please come in," Eunhye gestured kindly towards the living room. The house was pretty small, but fits Eunhye's style perfectly. It was full of memos and news update pinned on the walls, and smelled like pastry.

"Here you go, oppa." Eunhye said handing Jongkook a cup of tea and a croissant. "Are you okay, you look like you've been working out."

That comment had spontaneous effect. Both of them suddenly turned red, and needed some time to cool off. Finally, Jongkook said, "I'm taking part in a social experiment carried by a survey company. It's about how fit are average soldiers, and I'm chosen as one of the candidates."

"Really," Eunhye raised an eyebrow. She knew something was off, but she didn't press on the matter. Another thing also bothered her, "Jongkook oppa, I'm sorry, but may I ask how did you know about my adress?"

Jongkook was caught off-guard by that question. "Uh, I.. I mean, you told me the last time we met," he stuttered. Jongkook hoped that was enough, and Eunhye nodded in response. That wasn't true, Jongkook knew about Eunhye's adress not from a conversation with her, but through searching the archive of SBS staffs. He wasn't a stalker, but he never knew when it was needed for this kind of situation.

"Sorry, Eunhye, for this odd request. But could I stay for the night?

This time it was Eunhye who was caught off-guard. "Sure, sure, I guess so. I mean I'm also having a late interview with a superstar tonight, so yeah, you could sleep in the second bedroom." Eunhye pointed towards the bedroom on the right side of the hallway.

"Thank you so much," Jongkook said to a confused Eunhye.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A sleepy Jongkook opened the door to come face-to-face with none other than Song Joongki.

"Joongki, why are you here?"

"May I come in first, Sir?"

"Of course," Jongkook said after making sure nobody was around.

Jongkook closed the door and guided Joongki to the living room.

Well, thank you so much all of you! 🙄🙄 Give urselves a round of applause 👏👏. If it weren't for you people I would have stopped writing a long time ago. All of your support have meant dearly to me, especially this one person who has always been following me since the beginning. This person has read all of my chapters, and I would like to take a moment and say you're awesome. Tx all of you, you made my dreams come true.

Second of all, my writing is not based on any time table. I'll write every time I have, well, time. But one thing for certain is that after every two chapters of Superpowers! Running Man, I would write another chapter of another story of mine. So that's all.

Tx all of you guys and gals and have a great awesome-tastic day!

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