Chapter 25

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I turned out to be one of the last to arrive but I was still there when Dallas got home. The only person that could not come was Demi. Everybody understood though. Demi had to leave for tour. I am sure she's bummed to miss this. However Demi has been freaking out over going on tour for a while now. I know she loves being on tour again. She becomes her energetic self on tour jumping around everywhere performing songs that are incredibly difficult vocally but she kills them every time.

Even though she's pregnant I went to her a rehearsals a couple of times and it looks really good! There isn't as much dancing and they aren't covering Thriller this time but that's also because it's ending a few days before Halloween so they can get married. They are literally such a such couple!!!

The family waited in the living room for Dallas, Nick, and the babies to arrive. I hear the door open and Dianna and Eddie help them into the living room.

"Hi everyone," Dallas smiles, "thanks for coming."

"Can I hold them?" Madison asks.

"Sure, stay sitting on the couch for me."

Madison nods as Dallas walks over to her. Dallas held Jerry and slowly passed him over to Madison. "I'm exhausted," Dallas admits.

"Sit down then," Nick tells her.

"We'll take care of everything," Denise says. "The two of you need to rest. You've both been at the hospital for days now. Sit down and relax."

"She's right," Dianna says, "Take a break and we'll handle everything for a while."

"Thank you," Nick hugs both his parents.

Dallas hugs Dianna, "Thanks mom."

Dianna takes Lauren from Nick and Nick sits next to Dallas. "He's so cute," Madison laughs and she holds Jerry.

"Can I hold him?" Frankie asks.

Madison nods handing Jerry over to him.

Frankie smiles, "I can't believe he's my godson."

"I can't believe I'm his godmother," Madison adds.

"Can I hold my little goddaughter?" Joe asks Dianna.

"Of course," Dianna smiles and lets Joe hold her.

Joe smiles, "I'm going to spoil you like crazy. I love you."

Nick laughs at him, "I wouldn't expect anything less."

"Hey, someone's gotta do it."

"My turn," Kevin says and holds Lauren. Everybody seems to get a turn holding Lauren and Jerry.

I was one of the last ones to hold Lauren. Madison passes Lauren to me and I cannot help but smile. She's so cute. She's perfect. I hold her securely so she cannot fall and I play with her fingers.

"Should we eat something?" Eddie asks.

With the change of the topic I give Lauren back to Madison. I felt a weird sensation when I held Lauren but I push the feeling aside. After asking what Dallas and Nick wanted to eat all of us decide to go out to eat. We rented out the back room of a restaurant so we could have our privacy. Dallas and Nick kept Jerry and Lauren in their little baby car seats even when we were at the restaurant. They stayed next to them the whole time and even brought bottles and their baby bags for them. Their faces glowed while they played with them. I look around and see the Lovato's/De La Garza's and the Jonas' smiling and happy with pride.

"You're going to be amazing parents," Nick and Dallas' parents all agree.

Dallas smiles, "It's easy when they're so perfect."

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