Chapter 19

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Note: sorry for a little delay in the posting of the next chapter but here it is! Remember to check out the trailer that was made for this series because it was great! And vote and comment and share the story to spread the word! Thank you for all the support because we are having a great time. :) <3 

The next morning was awkward as hell. I woke up to my thighs sore and Demi wasn't in bed so I went downstairs to find her. Demi and Wilmer are making breakfast; too freaking cute. Wilmer has his arms around her belly as they kiss in front of the stove spatula in hand. I desperately wish I had my phone right now. Not wanting to ruin the moment as I obviously did with her last night. Demi is pretty comfortable right now so she's going to tour pretty close up to her wedding in two months so she is trying to spend as much time with Wilmer as possible. Just turned 23 and is soon to be married and with a kid. Sure to be a memorable year for her. After a bit on the couch and playing with their German Shepherd that I have no idea about its name, Wilmer and Demi are done.

As they start getting plates out Demi says, "I wonder if she'll stop eating?"

"Mija, calm yourself!"

"I know what you're gonna say. But that wasn't a normal bad night!"

"I get that but she is not your problem. This stress is not good for the baby."

"I know but whose problem is she? My mother cannot deal with this right now. She's about to be a grandmother and do something totally on her own with her career. These are supposed to be some of the happiest times of her life."

"It's supposed to be yours too," I blurted out. "You are getting married and having a kid. You're gonna be up for a freaking Grammy in January for god's sake. I'll be fine, no, I'm not just saying that trying to manipulate you. I guess I'll go get help I never really got to grieve anyways now please go live your life."

Looking convinced Wilmer smiles and hugs me. "I know you would be okay try not scaring us so much next time."

I laugh.

Demi interrupt by saying, "You're seeing my therapist."

I say, "Fair enough I'm actually really hungry though."

"Of course you are."

Demi goes into the other room while Wilmer serves me waiting for Demi he stays standing as I chow down.

Soon enough Demi comes back in and tells me, "You my friend have an appointment with my therapist in an hour."


"Yes and feel lucky that's all."

I roll my eyes, freaking celebrities; people always bending backwards for them all the time. After finishing and borrowing clothes from Demi, I am in a silver Mercedes. I feel super grateful when we don't pull up to CAST recovery that would've been another big headline in the making. After doing some paperwork and a questionnaire I get an awkward wait in the waiting room until my name is been called by a warm voice. I look up from my paper I was doodling on to find the winner of Survivor: Micronesia Parvati Shallow.

I impulsively say, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Demi nudges me in disbelief and stands up. I do the same and apologize. "I'm so sorry it's like a huge shock"

Parvaty laughs flirtatiously.

"I guess I probably won't have to introduce myself then."

I nod my head and then shake her hand.

"This is my office if you want to come in."

I agree cautiously then quickly turned to Demi and say I got this.

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