Chapter 36

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A/N: Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day whether you're in a relationship or not!

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

I nod, "I just have an opportunity that I cannot pass up."

Mr. Tessier nods with a sad face. "Okay now that I see that your legal guardian Dianna De La Garza has signed the papers, all you have to do is sign as well."

I get a little uncomfortable knowing that I forged her signature, but keep going knowing that it will all pay off in the long run. As I sign the last bit of paper work. Mr. Tessier says, "Well as sad as I am to see you go, you are really bright and I'm positive you will do amazing and great things!"

I smile, "Thank you for that."

"You're very welcome. Now by law you will be responsible to answer to me every other week for a progress check. Here is your material and book work for the next few months. How long will you be on the road?"

"About three months."

"Understood. I wish you the best of luck. Know also that you are welcome back anytime."

I smile and shake his hand before exiting his office. I see Maddie approaching me and try to hurry out the front door. She however catches up to me, I really do need to start working out more seeing she is a foot shorter than me yet she can run twice as fast.

Maddie says, "What's going on? Why do you have all those books?"

I reply, "I'm going on tour with Justin."

Maddie shakes her head in disapproval. "Why are you doing this?"

"It's for me, I need a break."

"You've been gone for a month. Why would you do this to my family? We have done nothing but try and support you. I get that you think we were putting too much pressure on you, I really do."

"What do you know about pressure?"

Raising her voice silently, "Do you not know what it's like to be a celebrity's sister? Do you not know that although I chose not to be in the spotlight anymore that even if I did it would be completely shadowed? I don't think you get what it's like to be me. All my friends are doing these amazing things and I'm stuck at the school."

"That was your choice. You could've gone into that girl group with Beatrice and Diamond."

"But that's not me and this isn't you. Why are you pretending that you're something that you're not?"

Before I could say anything else a secretary came out of the office and told us to go back to class. Maddie being the responsible kid she is, decided to listen instead of finish it. Before she goes I say, "Look I'm proud of you, and no matter what just know I love you."

She nods and says it back and leaves. Getting teary eyed having second guesses I run out the front door and get back into Justin's car. He asks, "Are you okay? You're not having second thoughts are you?"

I shake my head, "Of course not."

"Good because our flight leaves in three hours. What do you want to do til then?" Slightly showing the baggie in his pocket I go to grab it but get inclined not to.

"I actually need to do something. Can you take me to Dallas'?"

Slightly confused he asks, "Why would you wanna do that?"

"Dallas is the only one that has supported me through everything, plus I want to say bye to the kids. For whatever reason I feel really attached to them."

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