Chapter 16

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The moment has come. We are in the car almost at school. Shoot me, this was a horrible mistake. Noticing my increasing anxiety, Dianna says, "It's not too late to call Simon and start working on the next album."

I take a gulp, "No I should be fine. I went through two years of high school this one should be fine too."

She nods, Madison seems to be all excited, vining and snapchatting her little heart out. Occasionally she would do a Vlog type thing and say, "Jessy how are you feeling?"

"Better if you would stop asking me how I am feeling and a camera weren’t in my face," I said after what feels like a million times.

Madison laughs and posts it, she's got some technology addiction I swear. Eventually we are here. John Smith High School, in Burbank California. I take a deep breath as Dianna slows down to drop us off.

"Have a nice day guys. Text me when you know what is going on afterschool."

What the hell does she think is happening? It's not like I have friends. I nod and get out, watching people's shocked expressions. Some look a little disgusted and others looked scared when they saw a camera man in the car. Madison hooks her arm in mine, how supportive. We walk to the school's security. We get a metal detector test done, I guess that's a good thing they do those.

We go to a main table and a lady says, "Good morning! What are your last names?"

We say our last names and they separate Madison and I; shocker. R and D aren't exactly close alphabetically. She nods and gives me a map of the school, my homeroom number, and my locker. I smile, wondering if she doesn't know who I am or is just trying to treat me like a normal person.  Madison and my locker are literally not even close at all so I give her a hug and walk to my locker which is in the middle of nowhere. Apparently Madison and my old Hollywood school was so small that they never really did the whole locker thing nor did we really need supplies so Dianna wasn't really sure of what we needed to get.

I personally just did what my mom always did; I have a five subject notebook, and a folder. Woo! I decide to have my backpack with me, for whatever reason, so I just put my leather jacket in. I can tell Dianna the 'full details' for the situation I look around. I see freshmen being either nervous or confidently hyper. Then I see the normal groups. I see the plastics, student government, cute jocks, the nerds, the stoners, the rockers, the band geeks, cheerleaders, girls that play sports. Yadha, yadha wonder which one I'll be in.

I decide to put my leather jacket in my locker, since it's really hot anyways. After I do that and put my lock on it's little thing, I begin walking; having my earbuds in my ear. Right now I'm listening to a Guns N' Roses song. Lately I've been really digging the hardcore rock.

After what seems a bit too long I finally find my homeroom at 7:30 where I am given an agenda, student identification tag and a note that tells me to report to the guidance office immediately. I told Dianna that we should have questioned the fact that Madison got a schedule but not me. I ask the teacher who never really introduced himself where the guidance department was but he kind of just shrugged. I nod and smile with fake appreciation and take my map and find it. Eventually I do, and walk into a brick room. I am told to sit by an older lady, who I assume is a secretary. Eventually another man takes me into his office, who has a British accent.

"Ello darling, please take a seat and get comfy."

I nod.

"Now as I look at your transcripts you had a weird secondary school tract."

I shrug not knowing what he means by this exactly.

"Now I see last year you kind of slacked only taking English 11 and Spanish II"

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