Chapter 20

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so who caught that in the other chapter? Don't worry it wasn't a typo , it will explain why in this chapter

Dracey's P.O.V
">This morning had gone off so well. I got up really early to see the sunrise. I used to do this every morning back when I was little with my dad when he was alive. I had gone to wash my face with water , no matter how cold it was even if I was just in a blanket. Coldness is no excuse to not have proper hygiene. Though even though it was cold I felt really warm today. Maybe it's because I'm a werewolf...but then again I never really felt like a werewolf, I couldn't even shift into a wolf!

" Oh well"

I start washing my face and take out the mini toothbrush and paste to wash my teeth that i packed . I notice the water actually feels warm so I also decide to wash myself . I make sure Jace isn't awake. He might be one of my best friends , but he's still a boy and you never know what a boy might do if he saw a girl naked. So I step waist deep into the water and start bathing using the soap I also packed with me.

>I'm like a big freak on hygiene.

Don't judge.After I finished I felt really clean and warm. I walk towards my clothes and see there dry. Putting them on I start feeling really warm. But the warmth seemed to only come from my fingertips . I reach from some snow on the ground ,but as soon as it made contact with my skin it became vapor.


I walk over to pick up my stuff ,but my toothbrush melts when I pick it up. And as soon as I drop the melting plastic my hand burst into blue flames.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to die by the death of blue freaking fire! Goodbye world, goodbye Lizzy, goodbye Jace, goodbye poop,goodbye annoying/cute baby twins , goodbye stupid rock that hit my head, goodbye stupid toothbru- OH MY GOSH WHY AM I FLOATING!

I am floating in the air covered in blue flames that don't burn. That don't burn. That don't burn. The weird fire doesn't burn me...OH MY GOD I DIED AND WENT TO HELL AND NOW MY PUNISHMENT IS TO BE FOREVER BE WEIRDED OUT BY BLUE FIRE CREATED BY HADES HIMSELF!Wait a min. Why am I sleeping . I'm laying in mid air. It reminds me of when I saw sleeping beauty. Though I am or seem to be asleep I can still sense my surroundings , its like Im hovering over my body like a ghost. I can sense how Lizzy and Jace are freaking out. They are basically screaming at each other. I can actually hear them screaming in my head. But before I could pay attention to what they were saying I saw something. A place...a temple and I felt this sudden urge to lead Lizzy and Jace there.

Then Lizzy started screaming again.


Wait what , I turned into a what? I look down to see my body turned into a little ball of blue fire. I started panicking even more!!


Then I noticed something that shook the panic outta me. It shocked me into my human form that fell from the air and onto the now very cold and snowy ground.

Jace was talking.

"Jace...are you talking"?!

Both Lizzy and Jace stop there bickering suddenly.

"What did you just say" says Lizzy, clearly knowing what I said , but wanting to reassure herself.

"Jace was just screaming " I say.

Me and Lizzy turn to look at Jace. He tries to speak again , but all that comes out is gurgles. What?
Then , a thought occurred to me.

"Jace, try using mind link with us".

"What the heck is a mind link" says Lizzy.

"Well , it's like I can read your mind , but only if you let me" says Jace.

We turn to stare at Jace again. Then at the same time me and Lizzy start squealing and jumping and hugging each other. Then we start singing ring around the roise.

"Uh you realize that this means we are all connected and are in a pack of five if you include the twins" says Jace through the mind link. With this new piece of info , me and Lizzy start squealing and jumping again. However then I remembered that I just turned into Mr. Fireball.

"Guys did any of you see what happened to me and know what I am"I ask.

"I think so...back when I was very little , before I was in foster care, I used to remember my parents telling me that my species was cursed. The people who ruled us would go to every single creature in the world who could help take the curse away , but they not one creature could take it away. So anyways one of the closet type creatures we could find that we thought could help us were the fae. The fae mostly consist of everything that can create, use,and absorb magic. I think you might be some kind of fae...but I can't put my finger on it" finishes Lizzy.

"Oh and when I turned into whatever I turned into I saw this place that I knew we just had to go to. It was like a temple and inside there was this book. I know that we have hurry to get to Alaska , but this is the same type of feeling that I got when we were walking into that trap".

"Well then Wink,lead the way".

Jace shifts into his wolf and Lizzy starts putting each twin in a backpack. She adjusts both backpacks so one is on her back and the other on her chest. She gets on Jace's back and both turn to me to wait for further instruction.

I start to concentrate and imagine myself turning into that ball of fire. This is how we learned how to shift into our wolves...of course I never did. My hands burst into flames and quickly I'm covered in blue flames. Then I feel myself getting smaller and soon enough I'm a tiny ball of blue fire.

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