Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lizzy’s P.O.V

Why can’t I open my eyes?

They feel stuck. I reach over to touch them. They are sealed together with a rough gritty trail of …dried saliva I realize. Gross.

After prying them open and checking out my surrounding I go and find a stream to wash my eyes with.

How did I end up in the forest? Was  not falling from the sky a min ago?

Wake a second… maybe I woke up! Good so it was a crazy dream. However something tells me

it wasn’t just a dream.

I start walking around when I hear Jace calling my name. “Elizabeth, where did you go”?” I left you on the ground to go get you some medicine for your bruises”.

I just nod and pull up my shirt. However I don’t look.

I feel Jace apply some weird cream on my bruised tum tum. What happened to me?

“Phillip pulled another one on you. Beat you to pulp, good thing I got there in time before he could do any more damage”. Wow it is like Jace can read my mind.

“Why does Phillip want to hurt me bad? I never did to him” I say.

Jace pauses for bit. “He is trying to get at me. Ever since the day when first came here and I growled at him. He knows that the only thing that matters to me now is you”.

The last part definitely had me blushing.

“So it’s my fault you get bullied every day and it’s my fault that you got hurt even farther than the limit today”. Then I really that Jace is badly affected by me getting bullied.

Jace looks defeated and worn out.

“Jace look at me” I cup his face in hands. “ Who cares”.

“Screw them …haven’t you heard a little say that says what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”?

I give an encouraging smile and Jace chuckles. “What” ? “ I see a little bit of the old you coming back”. “What do yo-“

A huge wolf jumps out of nowhere and comes at full speed for us. “RUN”! Jace pushes me behind tells me to run again. “I won’t leave you here with that thing” I yell back.

“Then climb up a tree and wait for me” I look at him like he’s gone crazy, but Jace gives me one more shove before running towards the charging big bad wolf.

And then the impossible happens. Jace changes into a fucking wolf.

 What the heck?

The brown wolf and Jace clash.

So that’s why Jace asked me if I believed in werewolves. Because he is one. I guess I am not the only one with a secret.

Jace’s wolf is black and bigger than the other wolf which is brown with white fur underneath. That’s when I notice I am kind of in the middle of the way. So me being the experienced movie watcher and a professional bookworm I know a few things about what to do when in the middle of a fight.

·         Do not distract the one fighting for you.

·         Don’t be stupid

·         Do exactly what you are told and not exactly the opposite

·         Don’t just stand there like I am doing right now, you are just making it more difficult for the person trying to save you.

So I climb up a tree and sit on one of its branches. Then I noticed something.

 If you look closer you can see that both wolves have two different colored eyes.

Jace has one golden eye and one dark brown eye. The brown wolf has one yellow eye and one green eye with…golden specks. 


Hi to all the people who are reading my book and a special thanks to nerdynessa  who is totaly awsome for voting and reading my humble book. Though I am pretty sure she would still be awsome without needing to read my book.

So to anyone else who is reading this ...i hope you like it, so for any errors you find and i wouldn't mind any helpful pointers or critics

Oh and for the eyes of jaces wolf on the right, just imagine it and if you really cant well...i have no idea what to do next.

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