Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jace’s P.O.V

Have you ever gotten that feeling were you just wake up and feel Happy. Your mood is so darn happy that everyone around you thinks your crazy. That’s how I felt this morning. Usually when I wake up I so mad. Mad at myself, mad at the world ,mad with my stepmom, mad with the Alpha , mad at everything.

But today felt different. It was like the storm end and the rainbow was beginning  to form. I new something was coming , something bright and warm.

Today when I woke up the Alpha told everyone to be on the look out for anything suspicious. There was an odd smell in the territory and the Alpha thought it was a rouge. There was something in the back of my head whispering that it wasn’t a rouge, but I ignored it.

I got ready for school. Getting my bag and taking a muffin from the kitchen, I walked out and made my way to the bus stop. It was like three in the morning so no one would be out.


I made this plan after so many years of bullying from the members of my pack. If no one saw me then no one would bother me.I avoided them like the plague .

Until today.

When I got on the bus , I saw no one was there.

I ignored that and sat down . I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the seat.

Someone was shaking me and I woke up.

“Kid this is your stop” I looked around and noticed I was at school. That was fast.

I felt so pumped up. I guess it’s the fact that my wolf seems so exicted.

“Maybe I’ll find my mate today”! I don’t think so, but its just as good.

What could he mean by that?

I make my way aross the parking lot and enter the building . As soon as I open the door a sent hits me. Not the kind of smell you get when you see your mate .

It smelled like vanilla and lavender.

Its an odd combination , but this person manages to pull it off. The vanilla isn’t to sweet and the lavender isn’t to strong .

Though I want to protect whoever that smell belongs to. I follow the sent into my first period class. As I open the door , the smell gets stronger.

I walk in and don’t see anyone , but the smell is still there.

I walk over to my seat and notice the smell even stronger .

That’s when something catches my eye . It’s a piece of black cloth. Wait , there’s someone there!

Though I don’t say anything. I look at whoever is hiding in the shadows. I see two pair of green eyes.

All of the sudden those pair of eyes are on the floor.

I don’t know why , but this made me laugh . I observe the girl who is on the floor. Dark black hair, pale skin, full lips and a scowl on her face.

She’s beautiful, but in the way a brother would tell his sister.

I keep laughing at her and she gets off the floor and sits back in her chair.

We argue a bit.

A burst out laughing when she says her squeak was the squeak of a grown woman.

The teacher comes in when bothof us are laughing our heads off. Though

 I am more choking then laughing

 Then Phillip had to ruin it by rejecting her

 What king of a person would  reject her.

But what amazed me the most was that I stood up to the alpha.

The Alpha!

Who knows what could have happened. However I felt that Lizzy was my top priority.

But I didn’t understand. Why wasn’t she having a mental breakdown , crying, on the floor clawing at her heart.

That’s what usually happens .

But then again , I wouldn’t want her to go through that. Wait was she even a werewolf!

Then I ask her if she believes in werewolves.

The funny thing is , is that she says yes.

Lizzy’s P.O.V

The teacher comes in as soon as the bell rings to go to second period.

So pretty much , this is how all my classes were.

Sit in the back next to Jace,

Get dirty looks and glares from Phillip,

Jace growling every time someone even glances at me,

Luke giving me pity looks,

and guys looking at me.

And of course Jace growling at them.

I go to my locker and open in to put my books. Jace told me to stay here. So I wait for him.

After a while I get tried of waiting and go to the bathroom. I enter the one beside the cafeteria doors.

As I pass it I hear the sounds of people having a good time socializing with their friends.

I sigh knowingly ..  I go inside one of the stalls and just sit and wait .

A few seconds pass when I hear the clicking of heels on the floor.

“Can you believe her” says a voice.

“I know right’ she walks her ugly self in here and then she turns out to be Phillip’s mate”

“good thing he rejected her or I would have had to take care of her myself”.

What the heck are they talking about? Why are they talking about Phillip?

“What’s her name again”?

“Elizabeth Blackington”.

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