Akatas freedom

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Akata pov
It's been a weak since they made up the concept Kabuto is using some of Sakuras chakra I be able to summon Sasori a very powerful snake summon.
Kabuto pov
"Sakura are you ready?" Sakura braced her hands against Kabutos back.
"I was born ready, the question is are you ready?" Kabuto chuckled. "You do know I was born before you so technically I'm still more ready than you."
"Let's just summon the dang snake kabuto!"
Akata chuckled at Sakuras defense against my comments. "Laugh and once you get out of her I'll put you through all the torture I put Sasuke and Naruto through in one hour!"
Akata shivered in fear and I felt a tremble run up and down my spine. "Ok I'm starting." I formed the summoning symbols having an adrenaline rush from Sakuras chakra crashing through my body.
Sasori (the snake) pov
I was summoned. This is a surprise it takes a lot of chakra to summon me.
"Kabuto, why did you summon me?" He stood up from the ground helping a younger girl up.
"Well the theory is that you have the cure to cure Akata." I turned to the boy. "I do have it but will I get in return?"
Sakura giggles. "Orochimaru won't be able to summon you ever again." My snake eyes widen. "Deal!" My voice booms out in the dungeon. "I spit out the antidote of you want to call it that and desummoned myself.
Akata pov
"Well that was easy." kabuto and I watch as Sakura injected the antidote right into my blood stream.
  I let out a pain filled scream. Signs and letters and symbols that were tattooed on my body were floating around me.
   "Akata you got this!" Sakura was screaming encouraging words the whole time. "Yeah go Akata!" Kabuto tried to encourage me.
   Than every thing stopped. "Am I free yet?" Sakura opened the cafe door and pulled my collar down to expose my right shoulder.
   The markings were gone. "The antidote really worked!" Sakura chuckled. "Well of course it worked it was my theory!"
  Sasori walked up behind her. "Just remember brat that you owe me some time!"
  Sakura nodded her head. "Yes sir I owe you my valuable time, at some point during this time line! Maybe I might run away! You won't ever catch me if I do run away though!"
  "Ok I get it brat now shut up!" Sakura closed her mouth and made a zipping action. I full blown laughed at her antics and hugged her.
  "Hey let's leave this caged dump!" Sakura than ran up the stairs with everyone else sighing at her energy levels. "I'm to tired to run up the stairs!" "You didn't evwn do anything Sasori!" "Yes I did I watched my student, I did do something." He than traveled up the stairs to go home to sleep or work on his puppets.
Kabuto pov
"Akata I'll show you to your room." He got up and followed me to the second floor. "This is your floor." I than left him to his room and left the house. "Bye guys!" "Bye old man!"

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