Kabutos date

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Kaliah pov
I was waiting at the meat bar for a date. I am so excited! Ekkkekk! I haven't been on a date with anyone in ages! Well I'm only 19 but it haven't dated since I was fourteen. I feel like a twelve year old girl though. I was using the sizzling of the burner to distract me from my nerves,but my head would still snap up every time the door opens. I wish I didn't listen to that brat! She was obviously lying to me. I was about to leave when the bell chime chimed. My head whipped to see the same man from the t and I building. That girl didn't lie he actually came! My inner girl was squealing super hard. I didn't know he's name and he didn't know mine.....,it was like a fresh start. He's shoes made no noise on the squeaky wooden floors. He was obviously a professional ninja. I could live with that though. I than feel a presence right in front of me. Breaking out of my informational thoughts I looked up. He opened he's mouth to say something but nothing came out. I used the he was flustered to address what he was wearing. He had a button down shirt, pants, and a jacket. My black dress seemed to match it perfectly. A smile spread across my face at my thoughts.

Kabuto pov
I strode straight up to the only familiar female face in the room. As I was about to speak she looked straight into my eyes. Immediately after that my mouth dropped open and all I could do was gawk at her. Finally getting hold of my bearings I clear my throat, to get her attention. Her eyes immediately snapped back to mine. "Sorry,I got lost in my thoughts!" I nearly laughed at her right then and there. "Oh your ok sweetie." A fire immediately lit up her pale face. I couldn't help but adore it. I could hear what my first guardian told me about this feeling..... the feeling of longing and wanting. The need to make them happy and comfort them when there sad. I had a crush on her.... I actually liked her. My mind literally blew at the conclusion. "Are you okay ___ -San?" I chuckled. "Looks like we forgot to introduce ourselves. She quickly nodded not missing a beat. "Well heart I'm Kabuto, you can call me Kabuto..... I don't really care if you do or don't though, whatever your comfortable with I guess?" Her grin went from ear to ear. "I'm Kaliah!" I chuckled at her enthusiastic reply. "Nice to meet you Kaliah. I hope we get along well!" She smiled a real smile. "Yeah me too! I have a question though." I felt my face change into an expression of curiosity. "Yes,what is it?",She looked me dead in the eyes, "why does pinky call you old man?" A blush immediately brightens on my face. "Well that's because of my hair color,she has a weird....uh, since of hurmor?" Kaliah's heart felt giggle fills the booth. She breathes in and out trying to calm herself, she was about to say something, when she was interrupted.  "Hello.....my name is Wandal I'll be taking your order."

Wandal pov
I watch as Kabutos fave automatically gets flustered when I interrupted them. Sakura told me to keep an eye on him for her,since he could try to escape, but she did say he probably wouldn't leave. "Nice to meet you Wandal." I smile at her. "Nice to meet you too miss are you guys ready to order?" Kabuto looks at Kaliah. "Oh yes thank you Wandal! I want some beef meat and tortillas with chicken." She finishes her order with a smile. "What would you like sir?" He glares at me. I giggle at his reaction. "I would like  steak and ribs please." I smile. "Your wish is my command!" I than skipped to the back hearing Kaliah giggling. Time to give the orders to the chefs!

Kaliah pov
"Well he was quite a waiter!" He smiles at me. "Well I think it would be hard to be a waiter,I blink at him in confusion, see a girl is literally hitting on him and he doesn't seem to like it." I shift around in my seat to face Wandal backing a little bit away from a female. "That must be very uncomfortable for him." He shakes his head an agreement. I was about to check on him again when I heard plates being placed down. "Oh thanks, Wandal!" He smiles at the both of us. "It's just my job.... have fun love birds!" My face instantly heats up. I watch as Kabuto stuffs he's face with the food to hide his embarrassment. I giggle so much that I felt like I couldn't feel my cheeks or stomach. He slightly glared at me and than burst out in laughter with me. I felt a haze on us and turned to see Wandal smiling at us while serving another table. I smile back at him and than start eating with Kabuto.

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