The packing

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Sakura pov
Building up chakra in my fist I punched the ground. Plights of dirt flew in the air suspended.
Jumping back out of the blocks of compacted soil.
Naruto and Hinata glared at me. "Warning next time!" Naruto yelled. I burst out laughing.
"My bad guys." Hinata looked down. "You better be glad I'm in a good mood right now."
I smiled, pulling the bags out of the ground. "Why did we not let sakura do that in the first place? You just let me shovel it out!"
Hinata pov
Sakura and smiled deviously at him. "You also could have used shadow clones."
Sakura stated, in her practiced,matter of fact tone.
We both keep a straight face until, Naruto fell on his face.
We simultaneously burst into laughter.
"So are still we set at the time tomorrow ?" Naruto and Sakura nodded.
"Hinata don't forget that your stuff is still here." "I know you start the village I take over. How long do you think that will take?"
"Five to eight months, we have to build it up, heal the people's bodies and minds."
"This isn't the first time you two are doing this is it?"
They nodded their heads, "We have helped Tsunade- sama rebuild towns in the village before."
"Hime, be careful don't get caught when you leave later. Oh and when we contact you.... burn the letters after. We don't want you to be tied to us."
Naruto kissed me on the cheek. Smiled, "I'll see you soon princess."
He reached and grabbed Sakura and they both disappeared with their bags. Ramen seasoning flying through the air.
"Seriously guys ramen seasoning?" I yell.... silent chuckling and giggling came from the wind. "Yeah seriously Nata, ramen seasoning.Came Sakuras reply. Which was quietly whispered through the wind.
Naruto pov
We arrived at our the house. "It's so weird now that Sasuke doesn't live here anymore." Sakura nodded her head. "Really I didn't realize when his family moved back that he would move back in."
I nodded an agreement. "I really thought he would stay."
The knock on the door ceased all conversation.
I carefully approach the door. Looking through the peep whole, I noticed the cloak.
"Sakura when are they going to change those stupid cloaks?" I question. She shrugs her shoulders.
She mumbled something about giving them a makeover before we leave.
I opened the door. Hidan burst in. "You little brats, I know one of you took my scythe!"
"It wasn't us we were with Hinata." Sakura answered not even wasting a second. I nod, "It might've been Sasuke though." I point out. "I guess that would make since because right now we are all looking for stuff." "Oh.... so he stole from a of you?" "Yes. He stole from everyone, I'm going to go all jashin on him when I see him!"
He than runs out of the house, slamming the door.
"Ready to change their outfits?" "I thought that was you, want sure though Sakura." She smiled nodding her head proudly. "So question?" "Yes Naru?" "When did you find the time to steal their stuff?" "Oh before I went to the t and I building."
"You really are a bad student." "Guess I am Naruto?" She said questioning the statement.
Arriving at the house with the already styled cloths. Sakura placed each of them on there bed. Fitting the style of each member.
"How did they all match each other so much when they absolutely hate each other?"
"That's a good question Sakura."

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