The exam with naruto and sakura

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Naruto pov
Wait a minute iruka Sensei what are you doing here! "Y'all still have to take the test to go into the next grade Naruto!" Sakura than walks in to the room. Sakura iruka Sensei said we still have to take the test to go to school next year. "Well we passed it last year so I think we can pass it this year?"

Iruka pov
Come on kids don't waste my time I still have to teach a class! "Okay I got this believe it!" Naruto hasn't changed any. I gave the test to them and they walked off and sat down. 5 minutes later they turned on the test.  Well thanks for doing the written part but you will have to come to school to do the rest of the parts with the other kids.

Sakura POV
Yes sir. I than walked into the kitchen and grabbed me and Naruto an apple. Hey Iruka Sensei? "Yes Sakura?" How has it been being Gaaras guardian? "It's been good." That's great I was afraid you were going to reject him. (I watch as Sakura than skipped right out the door towards the academy.)
Naruto pov
Iruka Sensei come on your taking to long! "Ok Naruto I'm coming." I ran out of the house and caught up with Saku. "Hey Naru let's beat iruka Sensei to school!" Yeah! We ran all the way to school and jumped through the window.
I turned and look to the class to see them all staring at us. Sakura we beat iruka Sensei here. "I guess we did." Where is he though? "I have no idea." "Sakura!!!!!!" Iruka walks into the room with green hair.  I turn towards my sister to see her just staring at him. "Sir with all do respect you ran straight into that one."

Iruka pov
Well Sakura with all do respect I am your Sensei and I will be till you graduate so I would not make me mad. "Sir I think it's to late for that." Well Sakura why don't you start off this part by making a clone of me. "Ok sir!"

Sakura pov
I walk towards the center of the room and two clones pop out before me that look like Sensei.
Iruka Sensei was really surprised that I could do that much but didn't say anything. I walked towards the window and go bye Naruto meet me at home!

Naruto pov
I watch as Sakura jumps out of the window towards home as I quickly perform the jitsu and jump out the window after Sakura. I listen to people yelling in surprise. Right when I performed the jitsus one of Sakura's pranks went off. I laughed silently in my head. Yeah they'll never be able to catch me.

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