The chunnin exams are crazy Part 1

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Sakura pov
We just scaled the steps of the 2 Nd floor and saw these guys messing with the other contestants. Naru, and I strutted past them ,while Sasuke just walked babies us like a normal person. "Rin-sensei would not be proud of you Sasuke!" "Rin-sensei would not strut into the chunnin exams like they own the place!!" "What ever teme you're just mad that you don't have the confidence to strut like us!" "I'm just mad that Auntie Tsunade is still making us take this exam." "Well if course we 'graduated' with everyone else! We need to keep up the disguise!" "Ok Sakura."

Lee pov
What a beautiful lady! Though she is strutting in here like she owned the place. "Neji look at her!" "What about her?" "She and her teammates are acting like they own this exam." "Well maybe we should go after them?"  We walked past the guys and followed them up the stairs. Tenten ran up the stairs after us. "Hey I thought we were pretending to be weak." "New agenda those rookies are making me really mad!" "Why are they making you so mad?"
"They strutted in her like she owned the place!" "That made you mad! There just a bunch of kids and they made you mad!"

Ibiki pov
"Alright all you kid shut your yaps before I do it for you!" "Yeah you wouldn't do that old man!" "Yes I would Blondie,pinkie!" "Oh he took out the hair nicknames Naru-chan!" "Everyone come draw a seat number!" "Ok old man-San!" "Pinkie shut up!" "Ni thanks old man -San."

Hokage pov
"Sakura what do you have planed for Ibiki?" "I think it's a death wish?" "Kurenai-San don't underestimate my pinkness when has a lot of tricks up her sleeve." "Yeah and if it's her team and hers death than what do you think is going to happen?" "They're not going. To die Ibiki literally loves them he is a partial guardian of pinkness,Blondie,and emo." "Wait he's there guardian?" "Well would you rather Jiraiya and Tsunade be there guardian they would be dead by now!"
Sasuke pov
"You may begin!" "Sakura, Naruto,and I flip our papers over and stare at them." We all decides to doodle instead of answering the question since if we fail here we could just do home. (30 mins later)
"Put your pencils down! The exam is almost over. I have a question for you lot. But first the rules. If you get this question wrong you will never be able to take the chunnin exams again. I'll give you the option to leave now and try again at the next chunnin exams."
I watch as people filtered out of the room. I expected Naruto or Sakura to say something but they never did. Ibiki passed everyone who satyed and we all went home for the night. Tomorrow would be the second part of the exam.

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