Oreos trial

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Gaara pov
I walk into the meeting office. I turn to see Sakura flagging me down. My body automatically makes it's way towards Sakura. "Sakura what's going on?" "It's Pedo-Oreos trial." "Wouldn't they just kill him?" "Yes but we're using him to lure out the spy." "That's what I thought. But don't you already know who it's is?" "Yes." "Who is it?" "Kabuto." "That sure is a vile man." "Well I don't think he's vile. He just doesn't have someone that he's willing to anchor down his loyalties too." "Whatever you say Pinkness-chan." "See ya Gaara.... the hokage wants something."
Sakura pov
My feet hit the pavement as I made my way towards jiji.  "What is it hokage-SAMA?" "Is he here?" "Yes sir. He is in the top left corner of the building dressed as an anbu. I'm sure if we get him to tie his loyalties to us he will be very.....helpful." "I understand Wolf." I walked straight towards the anbu. "Hokage-SAMA says he wants all anbu to pull in towards Orochimaru so he won't be able to get away." He bowed he's head and flashed with the other anbus  to the side of Oreo. I walked towards Naruto. "Is it time for the plan." "It's starting soon. He's activated it." "Release......" Naruto and Sasuke release the genjitsu. I jump at Kabuto. Slicing his mask off. His contacts gleamed in the light. He glared at me and was about to attack when Naruto knocked him up side the head. "Naru-chan we were getting to the fun part." "Sorry I just don't like him." "You don't like a lot of people Naruto." "Hey don't say that out loud we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings." "Yeah because they'll all be so hurt that you don't like them." "I will murder you Saku-Chan you're making me sound like him." "We get it emo duckling." "LoL she called you a emo duckling teme." "And I can also call you a mate less fox Naruto." "But I'm not mate less fox I have Hinata." "I guess you're right Naruto you do have Hinata. For now!" I evily then grinned at him. "Guys did you forget about Kabuto." No he has my chacra strings attached to him." "Than where is he pinkness." "Patience sensei. "1....2...3" ow ow ow ouch!!!! That hurt." "Did y really think you were going to get away?"

Kabuto pov
I turned and stared at the younger girl. Her pink hair help up in a bun by a sebon. "So you're not who people think you are.....Sakura?" "Well good thing you don't know either. Right Kabuto." I look up to see the hokage walk over to me. "Well young man seems like my intelligent genins have caught you." "They will not hold Orochimaru and me for long." "Well Orochimaru is kind of dead already." "What!!!" I turn and look at the blonde hair brat. "He's dead." "Yeah we could t risk him escaping and putting us all and jeopardy." "Well I guess that is true.." "wow so you agree with our methods that's a first." "Well hokage-San what is my punishment." "You have to live with Naruto and Sakura." "Oh I feel bad for you." I turned to the last Uchiha. "Why do you say that." "They can be scary when they don't get enough sleep. So if they have any missions and are very tired stay out of there way. Especially out of there way of there ramen and dango." " I'll try to keep that in mind." "Well are you ready to go old man." "I am not old boy." "Well your hair sure says you are." I turned and glared at the younger girl. She giggled at my actions and ran ahead while the brat bit drags me along to there house.

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