The cult

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Fugaku pov
I was really concerned of how that girl knew so much about me...... I don't even know anything about her. She just waltzed in here and gave me this message. I made my decision in what I was going to do and told Itachi. I really do hope I made the right decision.

I started to walk outside the compound after I told Itachi. I really don't know where I'm going or why but I kept moving forward. That is when I got to a tree to see the little girl sitting on it.

Sakura pov
Oh it's nice to see you Mr.Uchiha. I knew you would come looking for me. "Why do you want to stop this so much." I know what will happen in the future if you continue this mess. Your eldest son will kill you and the rest of the Uchihas.....but he will leave Sasuke alive. Sasuke would sought for revenge that ended in the 4 th shinobi war with Itachi dead. And I am not joking sir.

Fugaku pov
Well I want to ask you a few questions...... "Sakura Uzumaki !" Ok Sakura. How do you know this classified information. "The eyes and the ears is the most dangerous things in the world." Sakura what are you implying. "That Uchihas flaunt their pride to much around outsiders." Oh so you heard it with your own ears from us? "More likely from Danzo what a evil man he is." "He really doesn't like me he thinks I'm a waste of space for the real talent sir." "But I know about everyone of his plans and your plans." So your a really smart girl. "I am not based on the grades I got in class but in ninja work I'm the best." "Well bye sir it was nice talking to you..... but I think you need to talk to your oldest son about this and not to me." "You guys wonder how I figure this stuff out!" Haha very funny Sakura. Wait your telling me the truth wow we really are mean people. "You get me now!" Yes I get you. Bye Sakura. "Bye sir!" She just disappeared.

Itachi pov
Did my dad just tell me he was ending he cult! What the heck happened to no turning back. I started pacing around my room after dinner. This is so nerve racking I don't know anything about what's going on. I turned to my cousin Shishou . "You need to calm down...... he's probably in one of those confused attitudes and will just go along with our plan we had in the first place.

Fugaku pov
That's not quite true boys! Itachis head shot right up in my direction. "What do you mean our clan has been talking about this for months and your just shutting it down!" I had some sense talked into me by someone. "Who than father?" A little girl can say a lot with out people understanding where there coming from but the wise pick up from that and learn from it to. That's something she would say in this moment. "That is right I would say that at this moment." The boys heads flew in he direction of the little Uzumaki girl sitting on the wind seal. This boys is he person who put some sense into me. Should told me things I couldn't understand and put hen in a more reliable way of learning and taught me the importance of staying here...... and getting rid of Danzo. "Why would you want to get rid of him father?!" He has done some horrendous things to the Uchiha and others so he deserves to die fir that. "Man what a harsh way to put that Mr.Uchiha." "I was just giving you common sense." "Because we all need that especially your clan." Hey be careful when you talk about are clan! "Yes sir!" "See ya guys later!" "Oh yeah don't tell Danzo that it was me!" "He really already doesn't like me and it would be enough for execution."

Itachi pov
I watched as the girl jumped out of the window and disappear out of sight before turnin. To my father. That's the same girl from dinner is it not dad.  "Yes it is son and I have a feeling that I would trust her with anything." Why would you do that dad? "Because she sees the world as t is now not what it's supposed to be I. The future." "Your always going to need that mindset." I watched as my dad opened the door to my room and exited along with my cousin walking out moments later.  A trace of wind rushed through my open window. I walked towards in to see the blood I was supposed to give to these people what do I do now. "Your supposedly thought of to keep going right." I turned to see the same girl that was not there 1 second ago. "You look you've seen a ghost now that your little plan has stopped." This wasn't going to happen I didn't believe that anyone could change he's mind. "Have you looked into a mirror and try to see what other people think of you. That really isn't going to tell you who you are." "You might be right Sakura I do act like that is what I want you to say but you probably won't."

Sakura pov
Just make sure that your family is alive..... you'll be less depressed than you already are. Bye itachi. Come talk to me when you are ready to tell me your decision.

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