The mind eraser

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Kazekage pov
I watch as the interrogators strap me to a chair. I can't help thinking about all the things that happened in my life. All the regret. If I hadn't even attempted to use my last child as a weapon it wouldn't have ended this way. I wouldn't be strapped down to this chair. A 6 year old female child with pink hair would've never threatened me. I would be home free. My children wouldn't all have left the village. Gaara,kankuro, and Temari would still have a loving mother and father. "Kaze-San it seems you are having some regrets?" I look up to see the pink hair girl who saved my son from his own madness. "I do regret..... I regret not spending more time with my kids my wife. Putting that demon into a unborn child! Gosh why did I have to be so stupid!"
"Kaze-San you were power hungry. You used everything that you could as a weapon. You even used your own sons and daughter. That's what I don't understand though. You were not this kind of person before all this happened." "Why are you in here talking to me brat?" "Well I figured you would want to have your last conversation with me. I am the one who saved you and your village from pure madness. Just saying!" "Well.... how did a child like you no how to make seals?" "Apparently when you're bad at everything Kami-SAMA gives you one thing you can do. For me and Naruto thought that's seals and eating ramen. Sometimes being really good ninja too. Though that really does depend on our mood..... and what we ate. Oh wait I guess you didn't need to know all that. But I felt like I had to give you something. This was one of Gaara necklaces when we were younger. He didn't like taking it off but he doesn't wear it anymore. This is Temari small replica of her fan.....she is obsessed with it so be careful. This is kankuros first wood piece carving from his first puppet. They are really important so you should know to put them in save keeping."The pinkette than walked out leaving me. Well I guess this is it for my memory. The zap sent electricity down my Spine. I just woke up. I look around to look for my clothes. I look down to notice that I was wearing clothes. I than grabbed it and left the word village behind.

Gaara pov
"I'm kinda going to miss that all guy." "Why pinky?" "I feel like I'm missing something." "What..... oh no false alarm.

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