The 9 year olds

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Sakura pov
So guess what today is mine and Narutos birthday. It's scary but our friends make it fun. We're both turning 9 while everyone else is 10. Yeah Sasuke takes advantage of being older than me and try's to boss me around. Well he just is weird with Naruto.  Oh hey Hinata!! "Hi Sakura happy birthday." (Hinata stopped being super shy with only Sakura.) Ok lets go find everyone else. "Ok." Hey Hinata how are things going with Naruto! "What are you talking about nothing is going to happen between us." Are you sure Hinata? "Yes I am sure." Thanks for letting me have a sleepover at your house. "Your welcome." Let's go faster. We finally made it to the classroom with only a few interactions with the villagers. Naruto happy birthday!!!!! 

Naruto pov
Sakura your finally here!! Happy birthday!!! "You too  Naruto." We're going to have so much fun today! "What about us!" We both turned to see Kiba. "Well y'all could join us to I guess."

Kiba pov
Oh great I feel so loved! "Your welcome Kiba." I was being sarcastic Saku! "Sure what ever you say Kiba." What do you mean what ever I say?! "Oh look it's the really really closet pervert Iruka sensei!" "I don't enjoy your comments Sakura." "But Happy birthday Naruto!"

Sakura pov
Wait what about me! "It's your fault Sakura I was going to but now I don't want to." "Hey Naruto I got you these ramen coupons." "Great so much ramen!" Wow is ramen the only thing you can think about? "Well sorry Sakura but it's ramen!" I guess your right! But I'm still mad! "Sorry Saku don't hurt me." Ok,I won't.

Ino pov
Hinata did you two have fun tonight? "Yea-h ittt wa-s re-ally fun." Great but girl you need to stop stuttering! "I don't stutter that much."

Ami pov
Oh look the stutter princess said her first sentence without stuttering! Haha haha. I smile as laughter fills through the room. I feel hot glares seething into my back. I turn to see he group of kids that never laugh at my "jokes" standing the glaring daggers at me. I stuck my tongue out at them and the girl demon smiled sweetly and than took a kunai out and dragged across her throat in a threatening way. I gulped louder than expected at the action but no one notice the 9 year old do it and didn't say anything. I really wish that girl would be scared of me like the other girls! "Oh and Ami congratulations on saying the most stupidest thing you have ever said today" laughter than again filled the classroom. I watch as the group took there seats.

Kiba pov
Wow Sakura really doesn't like it when Ami talks bad about us! But to be honest that is what makes her a really good friend to me and everyone else. We still have four years left here...I can't wait to see what will happen.

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