part 25

284 11 2

Naruto's arc- Naruto's adventure! the cat and the octopus.


Blood was everywhere.

Ropes with meat were hanged up in neat lines, Naruto could feel himself almost throwing up. Yugito's face scrunched up in pure disgust. 'this is more than just sinister, it's pure evil' she thought.

Naruto took a deep breath and steadied himself, he reminded himself that he was a ninja. He has seen some stuff, he has killed with he's own hands before. Blood and meat shouldn't bother him, after all he's eaten so much pork ramen before.

He repeated these oddly logical facts to himself, Yugito was mildly impressed the boy didn't faint as soon as he saw the sight. Before she could comment on it however she heard a bloodcurling scream, Naruto jumped and rushed for it's direction, yugito following quickly behind.

Their shoes were covered in blood at this point but they didn't care, no because an even worse sight was infront of them. An old woman, the same that served Naruto with a crooked smile as dead bodies were stacked next to her. A relatively young man who they could only assume as her next victim was tied up and gagged.

Naruto wasn't too shocked, he sensed something was off about that woman but he never could of thought-

'I am yugito nii of the cloud, you are officially arrested in the name of the raikage' the old woman's smile turned into a snarl as she trembled:' rai...kage? Don't make me laugh! That bastard doesn't DESERVE to be called raigake'.

Now Yugito was pissed, she had a great deal of respect for her leader so much infact that she would defend him and his honor till her dying breath. 'You dare talk like that about the raikage!' She moved quickly, claws of blue fire gleaming dangerously.

She was quick and lithe like a cat and quickly went behind the woman: 'tell us what your planning or else I'll be forced to dispose of you'. Naruto unintentionally gulped, he definitely won't ever insult the raigake. The woman looked shocked but covered it with a smile:

'It does'nt matter even if i tell you your too late' she cackled. Yugito inched her claws towards her neck in warning, the woman frowned and started talking: 'I am part of the kirakuran clan, we posess the kekkei gekkai to obtain chakra from anybody through consumption' she said.

'Although these are just the appetizers because we just caught a strong one, yes indeed, the raigake's son and the holder of the eight tails' she exclaimed loudly.

the two blondes eyes widened, the lady didn't stop however; 'once our leader takes his chakra we will be unstoppable! everyone will bow down before-

'Where is he now!?' Naruto cut her off, he needed to save his octopops from these freakish cannibals, and he needed to do it now. The woman was about to refuse but the killing itent from both jinchuuriki caused her to fess up quickly.

'He resides directly undeground the fountain in the town square: the only way to open de gates to hell is to make the water run red'. Naruto furrowed his eyebrows, 'what kind of bullshi-

yugito knocked the lady out and gave naruto a mere glance, Naruto understood the message and they both ran. Yugito was once again impressed, the boy's speed exceeded her and she wondered who he was. She shook her head, now was not the time, her partner friend was in danger. If kami truly does exist he'll be alright.

They reached the fountain in no time, the storm settled down but the humid scent remained.was a statue of a man standing with a sack of rice. He had a some type of stern facial expression. It was pretty darn cool if Naruto said so himself. Yugito looked at the statue intensively, she felt something was off.

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