christmas time

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even though it's no where near Christmas, happy crimas and merry chrysler!

p.s. this chapter is actually crack.


"Don't you just love Christmas?" You can't help but to give a content sigh as you spare a glance in Lucifer's direction before diving into a pile of snow with a bright smile on your face despite how cold you felt. "Well considering it's the day my father's favorite son was born, my brotheremy, no not really." He rolls his eyes at the feeble minded question. Blue eyes watch you enjoy the snow from a devil's trap inside the house. But in your defense the only reason he's currently in a devil's trap is because he isn't being very cooperative when it comes to staying home and seeing as it's the holidays, you weren't having it. Hell and Lucifer's diabolical plans to inhabit the Earth could wait.

"What's a brotheremy?" You let out a laugh which is shortly paired with a snort as you continue your process of making a snow angel. "It's a brother turned enemy, no longer brother but foe kinda thing---wait, what are you making?" He questions as he stares at the imprint your body has left in the snow. Curiosity burns bright in his eyes as he eagerly leans on the door frame in attempt to see it better. "A snow angel. Do you want make one?" You give a hopeful smile. "Nah, I prefer watching you instead." He responds, clearly not carefully observing his words before saying them. "Okay, that's not creepy at all." You snicker sarcastically as you begin to climb back to your feet. careful as to not mess up your snow angel.

You stand in silence, admiring your work as if you were Salvador dalí taking in one of his paintings for more time than you would care to admit. "I think it looks pretty damn good, don't you, Luci?" You tilt your head viewing the snow angel before looking at Lucifer waiting for his opinion. "Looks plain to me. You're missing a special something, here let me out so I can fix it." he mutters eyes locked on the snow angel as if something were really bothersome about it. You narrow your eyes at him not trusting him fully. "You better not try to leave or I'll give you hell when you get back." You threaten playfully, trying to keep a straight face.

He only groans, throwing his head back. "I, Lucifer, King of Hell, reluctantly promise not to try and leave even though I should." Lucifer scoffs out while rolling his eyes. Happily you stroll over to the devil's trap and break it. "You are free, your highness." You tease bowing.  "Thank you mere peasant, for thou have render thyself as of use." He teases right back before he's walking over to a stick that lies not too far from where you had made your angel.

The man turns to your snow angel, bending down infront of it with hunched shoulders as he takes the stick and starts to trace something you couldn't see over the broadness of his shoulders, hunched or not, the man had shoulders for miles.

"That's better." Lucifer's smiles looking at his work ostentatiously. "Bitch." You scoff, but there's playfulness to the comment, as you perceive the fact that he has drawn a tail and a pair of horns on your snow angel--or well snow devil now. "Jerk." He responds reflexively,  the hint of a smile tugging at his lips play as evidence that his words are nothing short of fondness. All too suddenly you catch sight of Dean and Sam walking towards the two of you, well walking is a bit of an understatement but marching should do it.  ' I knew that car looked familiar ' You can't help but think to yourself even given the circumstances. "Oh hell no." The bothers state in unison (which shouldn't creep you out as much as it does but it does) as they come closer to you and take into cognizance that you are infact yourself and Lucifer is in fact Lucifer.

Without a word and a slight gesture of his hand the Winchester brothers are gone.

"Lucifer!" You gasp shocked at the action. "Come on, you're cold, lets get you inside." Lucifer dexterously changes the subject. "You're lucky I'm too cold to fight about this, but my cousins better be okay." You glare lightheartedly at the man who has now taken to leading you back towards the front door. You both enter your shared house and before Lucifer can even blink, you are darting towards the livingroom. He gives a genuine chuckle before heading in the direction of the kitchen, already knowing what you would be craving on the cold winter day.

The man whips up a mean mug of hot cocoa rather quickly before reentering the livingroom and taking his place on the love seat next to you before handing the cocoa off into your welcoming hands. The fireplace burns brightly in the slightly dim room. The love seat is close enough to the fireplace to where you can feel the flames lick delicately at your skin and it gives you a sense of home. Lucifer grabs the blanket that lies folded over the love sofa before placing it on the both of you. You take a few sips from the mug before you're lying your head on Lucifer's shoulder, letting the crackles of burning wood loll you into relaxation.

Without much care your eyelids drop to a close, the mug of hot cocoa is long forgotten as you slowly allow yourself to fall asleep. Before you can drop the mug that is still very full, Lucifer carefully removes it from your hand before placing it on the glass beside table. He stares at your sleeping form for a bit too long, confliction swimming in the pools of his blue eyes before he lets out a sigh. He closes his eyes and presses a loving kiss to the temple of your head. "Merry Christmas, my little human." he whispers fondly.



Don't you just love fluff? Even though angst is more my style, you guys will catch me trying my hand at fluff, occasionally.

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