How to be A Heart breaker

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(WARNING ;Not a happy imagine)
My P.O.V
Rule #1: Is that you gotta have fun
Breaking the devils heart wasn't easy but it was fun. The fake smiles. The fake I love you's . The fake kisses gave you a deep dark pleasure and motivation to Break him more than you wanted to.
Rule #2 : Just don't get attached to somebody you can lose
You knew you had Lucifer wrapped around your finger and that he'd never hurt you , you 'ALMOST' fell for him so many times but you stopped yourself. There's no fun if everyone gets hurt.
Rule #3 where your heart on your cheek but never on your sleeve .
You laughed when he called you names and tried to hurt your feelings because you had broke his.
Rule #4: gotta be looking pure, kiss him goodbye at the door and leave him wanting more .
Every time You were around him , You looked so innocent that he never suspected a thing. He never thought that You,
Y/F/N could hurt let alone break him . But you did and you enjoyed it. The look of hurt and betrayal on his when you fucked some dude who is now dead (A/n: XD) gave you sweet dreams and sweet nightmares. It gave you a a certain pleasure that you never felt before and it felt great! You wanted to do again to other men . It was your way of coping with the first time Lucifer cheated on you.
This is how to be a heartbreakerrrr !!! Boys like a little danger we'll getting falling for a stranger ...heart breaker.

A/N: Sorry it's so short I just wanted to give you a quick update and I was thinking of one of my favorite songs and that's how I came up with this.
What is one of your favorite songs?

Lucifer Imagines spn (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now