be my valentine

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Well it's Valentine's day, or single awareness day as I like to call it, and technically today is a holiday ( I guess) so um yeah, here's one with the Winchesters because I said I'd try to do other characters on holidays.



"Hey." Sam can be heard yawning out the comment. You glance up from the television set momentarily to meet the gaze of the brunette. "Hey, how was your nap?" You question staring at him with a small smile pulling at your lips. "It was okay but would have been better if you slept with me." He chuckles cheekily before he's flopping down on the sofa right next to you. "You do know what today is right?" He asks lifting your legs up off of the floor and onto his lap.

"No, what? Is it someone's birthday? Is it-" Your teasing was cut off by Sam's lips meeting your own. You melt into the kiss, leaning into it even though the position is starting to get uncomfortable. Slowly, Sam breaks the kiss, resting his head on your own. "Y/N will you be my Valentine?" He smiles softly, breath ghosting over your face.  You look into his eyes. "No." You whisper in response, watching his faint smile fall completely. "I'm just kidding! Of course I'll be!" You laugh before kissing him.


Currently you were on a late night hunt with Dean. The two of you were hunting a wolf turned rogue. You were beyond exhausted and ready to go home. Your clothes were stained with dirt and mud. "Dean, it's gone. Let's just come back in the morning." You're just turning back when the wolf leaps out of some bushes and comes huddling towards you, with no actual time to react, you close your eyes thinking the worst.

Last minute a gun shot rings through your ears. You open your eyes to see that you were covered in the werewolf's blood you looked up to see Dean.

You smirk as he drops the gun and moves to wrap his arms around your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck in turn and you lean in to give him a kiss.

Dean pulls away and wipes a splat of blood off of your cheek "You look hot in red." Dean says with a wink. "Shut up." You laugh at him, throwing your head back. "Speaking of red, You. Me. Valentines day." He states rather than asks. "Hmm." You hum putting your finger to your lips as if you were thinking about it. You smirked "Maybe." with that you sprung around on your heel and walked away feeling his eyes burn into your back. "Well, okay than." He laughs, following behind you.


A: I know, I know, I suck, this imagine sucks, it's just I've just been really busy. Like really really busy but anyways I hope you all have a great Valentines day, and to you single, lonely people out there, you're not alone. -gail

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