Without you

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A/N: ok guys this one was requested by a beautiful fan who doesn't want to be named and let me just say I got a little to into my feelings with this one lol anyway enjoy

you grabbed your photo album before sitting on your sofa. you flicked through all of pictures when you came across the picture of you and luci you felt as if you were going to cry but you weren't going to cry because you promised yourself you wouldn't cry over him anymore but you wanted to really bad ,so you did. What were you thinking falling in love with someone who was incapable of love. You basically set your self up . you snuggled into your pillow letting out screams of pain, regret, and sadness . "why!?"you screamed into the pillow . you and luci had broken up because of a stupid argument which led to him hurting you. Intentionally?never! You just happened to be in the way . you cried, luci cried he told you that it would only happen again and even if it was an accident he couldn't nor wouldn't forgive himself and he left not giving you a chance to speak because he knew you would try to make him stay .
'There has been multiple reports about thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunami all around the world we are doing our best to help everyone please stay c- before the news reporter could finish the power cut out . no one knew what was causing all these storms it was supoused to be sunny all week but it doesn't look like that outside . you sighed knowing what was causing them ...more like who . you could feel Lucifer's confusion, rage,regret, and sadness in the air "can you come out and talk like a normal fucking person?!"you yelled more than asked as more tears fell from your eyes "TALK TO ME! STOP BEING SO DAMN DISTANCE!" You yelled standing up as your mood flipped from sad to angry."why the hell do you do this!? Do you like hurting me!"you yelled . still no response you walked into the kitchen taking out a knife "Lucifer I fucking swear if you don't come out I will run this knife across my wrist" you said through clenched teeth . all of a sudden the trees outside started blowing hard "thats not gonna stop me "you groweled . did he really think you weren't gonna do it? You moved the blade closer . the trees moved faster and harder the rain turned into hell "sorry you did it your self"you mumbled running the blade across your wrist .as blood dripped from your wrist a scream left your mouth as you dropped the knife crying harder than before. Lucifer watched from hell in shock before quickly zapping into your kitchen"why did you do that !"he yelled pulling you into a hug "because I wanted you and apperantly I have to hurt my self in order to get your attention "you sobbed hugging him tightly
"Y/N don't ever do that again"he said hesitantly kissing your forehead"don't ever leave me again. You think you hurt me more than you show me love which is a lie with out you I feel broke ,I feel like there's apart of me gone "you breathed "I'm sorry"he mumbled over and over repeatedly kissing your forehead
It was true you where broke with out him...
A/N : sorry it took so long its just its almost the end of the school year and I have so many test and if I wanna pass I gotta take things serious sorry if you didn't like it and if you did thanks for requesing it and thanks for the Read's love ya Abigail out

Lucifer Imagines spn (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now