A demon tortures you

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A: I'm editing chapters tonight, yay 😭


"Goodbye, Miya!" You giggle sending a wave of goodbye to your bestfriend with enthusiasm despite how tired you actually were. "You sure you don't want me to walk you to your car? I mean it's pretty far away." the woman frets for your safety even though her neighborhood is one of the safest. "I'm sure I'll be okay but thanks for the offer." You throw her a genuine smile as you twirl your keys in your hand before waving goodbye again with the other. "Okay bye y/n, be safe!" She yells watching as you start walking further away from her apartment window. "I will!" You reply continuing the journey to the empty parking lot.

Though the night is cold and dark which send your body on edge, you can't help but feel light as you stride to your car. You pay almost little to no attention to the thick mist that covers the ground in a smokey form but the hairs on the back of your neck stand alert. A cool breeze blows your hair into your face almost as if it were a diversion. Pushing your  hair out of your face, you proceed to stick your key into the key hole of the car door but before you can turn it to unlock it, someone grabs ahold of your wrist in a vise like grip. They force it behind your back, roughly slamming you aside your car. You give a cry of disstress before a rag is pressed to your nose and mouth tightly. Your body trashes between both the car and your capture's body but it's proven no use when everything begins to fade into blackness.

"Wakey wakey, Sleeping Beauty." A feminine voice calls out kicking your leg. Slowly you begin to lift your head up but when you catch sight of a burning bright light your eyes slip closed once more. "Where am I?" you ask, voice strachy and gruff. Not long after the question, you immediately receive a sharp jab to the stomach making yourself and chair fall over. A harsh echo rips through the room of peace and is followed by a cry from you. "No one told you to speak." The woman hissed with thick hatred. "Bitch-" you don't get to finish when there are two more painful jabs sent to your stomach region. "Shut the fuck up before I staple your lips together." the blonde grits her teeth as she speaks. "Go to hell." you spit bitterly , the salty blood that formed in your mouth now on her high heel boots. "Been there, done that." She smirks as if it were the most clever comeback. Her hazel eyes flash black and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. "Oh how I should have known." you mumble to yourself as she grabs ahold of your chair before sitting you back up. "Now let's have some fun." She smiles flashing the bright pearly whites that belongs to whom the demon has possessed. She strides over to what you can only assume are her tools of torture. "Oh god." you groan looking at all the tools as she grazed her fingers over each one, one by one as if they were something dear to her. "Oh sweetheart, he's not going to save you." She chuckles, her slender fingers lingering on an angel blade before she's picking it up. "That's not going to kill me." your voice sounds weary even to your own ears but it also holds a certain strength to it. "You're right, but it will hurt like hell." She flashes a menacing smile before launching the blade into your left thigh. "Gaahh!" You scream out in agony as the blade dug further into the muscle that tenses by the second.

After hours and hours of blood shed along with tears and profanity words being said, you were a bloody mess. "Are y-" your words get caught in your throat when your voice cuts off, like an old radio in need of batteries. "Am I finished?" She giggles wiping her hands on a white rag, staining it with the color of your blood. You give a weak twitch of your head, too weak to do more. "Sweetheart, I just got started." She snickers before gripping your hair into a ball and pulling her other hand back into a fist but before she could hit you, the doors burst open. You don't care to look up due to the fact that you know that it's endgame for yourself. "No! Please I didn't know!"  you can hear her plea and it brings a smile to your face because, how pathetic. You didn't once beg for her to stop, you even encouraged her to dig deeper, to hit harder. Her high heeled boots click against the floor annoyingly as she tries to scurry away. You stick your foot out when you hear her footsteps come close. The demon trips over your foot and she gives a scream. Her screams bring a pleased smile to your face that leaves as soon as it came.

Silence invaded the room before Lucifer is in your line of vision moving your hair out of your  face before he looks at you sorrowfully.

"I am truly sorry my queen. I'll make sure she endorse the pain, if not more, she put you through." He hisses, placing a tender kiss to your forehead lovingly. "I love you." you mange to get out in a croak before giving a bloody smile. "I love you too." He returns the smile before his fingers are working to cut you loose.


A: Hope you all liked it, don't forget to request!

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