✘forbidden love ✘

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A/N: Dedicated to the lovely HowDULL
thanks for the ideas hun! :P

forbidden love


you where currently handcuffed to a pole as you sat on your butt. a gag was in your mouth so ,sadly you couldnt call for help. im going to die. im-im not ready to die. I still wanna go back to college,graduate,get a wonderful husband and have adorable mini me's running around you thought to your self. the room was a dark shade of grey 50 shades of grey much? you joked trying to make fun of the situation but it didn't help much. your heart beat quicken as you heard the door's open "good morning Vietnam!!!" an all to familiar voice yelled no please god,not him you thought "you may be asking why your here"he said walking into your view.you didn't hate Lucifer .then again you didn't necessarily like him...but you understood him and his pain. cast from heaven because he loved his father more than us

pathetic,pitiful,weak,sinful, humans . the same thing ran though your family there came a time where you could have killed the demon bartered that killed your mother, Mary .but if you took the shot you would have killed your father two because the demon was possessing him so instead of taking the shoot at the head you shot him in the leg . the demon took it as an advantage and smoked out . when your father was himself again he was weak but not weak enough to the point where he couldn't yell at you . you where just doing something for your dad . "well your here because I need someone to speak with "Lucifer said taking a seat next to you. he took out the gag allowing you to speak "well you didn't have to kidnap me if you wanted to 'JUST' talk" you said rolling your eyes " your a Winchester if Satan came to your hotel room what would you do"he asked sarcastically "point taken , so what do you want to talk about " you asked agreeing "well since you and I are so close I want to ask you a personal question and be honest " he said standing up you could practically hear the nervousness in his voice." I dont really have a choice, now do I?" you asked raising your eyebrows as your handcuffs chimed against the metal pole .Lucifer rolled his eyes placing his hands on his hips "of course you have a choice silly " sarcasm drowned his words . he silently paced the floor "do you like me?"he quickly asked "not really but then again I don't hate you"you asked honestly "no , not that kind of like " he said sitting on the floor across from you. your cheeks went a deep shade of red "n-no" you stuttered not being honest."Y/N"he warned. you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from screaming yes .ok you had a tiny crush on him wait no starch that you had a HUGE crush on him "OK FINE YES I LIKE YOU A LOT !"you yelled . a look of relief crossed his face "but we can't be together "you sighed . Lucifer crawled closer to you. his and your face inches away from each other's "why?" his breath smelled of mint as it hit your face . "B-Because like you said im a Winchester , your the devil .Winchester's and demonic/supernatural beings dont mix " you sighed you felt like crying you didn't like Lucifer...you loved him and deep down you knew. Lucifer still gave you a confused look "if my brothers found out that we were together or that we had feelings for one another they'd probably stab your ass with an angle blade " you chuckled putting your head down as a tear slips from your eye . it wasn't fair you couldn't be with your first love because of your fucked up family but then again you wouldn't be able to say he is your first love if you had a normal family you wouldn't have met him so in a way if it wasn't for your fucked up family you wouldn't have met him so you have them to thank in a weird way.Lucifer's thumb wiped away your tear "hey , who said they had to know " before you could say anything Lucifer's lips slowly made their way to yours. the kiss wasn't needy ,it didn't hold hunger, it was pure passion

it was...forbidden love

Lucifer Imagines spn (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now