It's to late°

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A/N: ah here I am making part two at 4 in the morning because I have Nothing better to do with my life.

Song: Hello by Adele

Your P.O.V

I sighed whipping away My tear stained cheeks. I wished I wasn't so sensitive, I hate Emotions. My emotions show that I'm weak and that's not something I want Lucfier to see. He feeds off the weak, But how am I suppose to be strong when he constantly breaks my shell that I call 'Strength' and 'hope'. I love him so much and he doesn't see how much his words take a toll on me. If he told me he didn't like my makeup and my make up took two hours, I would take it off , just because he told me to. "Are you ready , love?" My friend, Roman asked. Roman was a male witch and we have been friends since grade school . When I told him what happened he immediately agreed to help me . We went to a hotel and he had hiden hex bags all around , So that Lucfier and his followers couldn't find us. "Yeah." I smiled up at his tall figure. "We're getting on the first flight to England and don't worry , There's a hex bag in your purse your safe." He resursed me. I nodded My head . "Lets go." He smiled grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze, Maybe this is the man I was suppose to end up with all along, I was just to blind to see. I smiled back at him. As soon as we opened the door his hands quickly dropped from mine and wrapped around the blade that was now in his chest, While I just stood there sacred and shocked. "I fucking hate witches." The demon scoffed before grabbing My arm harshly. "You have been a pain in my ass, you little brat." He hissed before zapping to hell.

When we reached the grounds of hell I fell onto my knees crying softly. "What's your problem now?" The demon asked rolling his eyes . "Y-you killed my friend WHAT DO YOU FUCKING THINK!?" I yelled standing up and getting in his face . "One You need to back up, Two that blade isn't gonna kill him , It only injured him but if you don't be a good little sport and go to Lucfier , I might have to go back up there and finish the job , do we understand one another?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Please don't kill him." I begged "Go back to your husband and I'll see what I can do." He sighed before disappearing. I was alone in the hallway, one step away from Lucfiers main room . I took in deep breath before opening the door. The sight in front of me made my stomach twist in disguise, It made my heart shake . "Y/N wait I can explain !" Lucfier yelled pushing Ruby off of him. He quickly pulled up his jeans and he walked over to my frozen figure. I just stared at the face that I loved and trusted so much with disbelief . Lucifer cupped my cheeks. "Your back." He smiled and I couldn't help what happened next. My hand reached up and I slapped him. "I've tired so fucking hard with this Relationship but you have crossed the line this time Lucifer." I hissed tears running down my face. "I'm done with you." I muttered bitterly throwing our wedding ring at him. "How about you go put that ring on the slut you were fucking." I sniffed walking away. "Y/N wait." He called out . "Don't chase after me , You look more pathetic than you sound." I rolled my eyes.

A/N: it kinda longer and heyyy I started writing this at 4:30 am it's 5:26 now XD and sorry for any grammar errors.

Lucifer Imagines spn (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now