✘ I really don't care ✘

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I Really dont care (break up)


My P.O.V

At first you were crying your eyes out . You barely went outside, you barely ate ,your skin grew cold and pale as so did your heart until one hot night your friend came over

"No just leave me alone so I can die!" You groaned pulling your cover further over your head. "C'mon at least talk to me." She pouted pulling the cover off of you. "Holy fuck did something die under there?!" She asked covering her nose quickly. "Yeah, my Heart." You muttered your words holding no emotions. "That's it, I'm officially calling a girls night." She stated still covering her ears. "Now ,you take a shower while I call up the girls." she smiled pointing you to the shower . You did as she told you but only to avoid any further arguing.

Once you were done , You stepped out and wrapped a towel around your body. The shower almost made you feel better, like a new person but no shower could make you forget that you were broken. "No honey, Go back in there and brush your teeth." She shook her head disappointedly .  You sighed before walking back into the bathroom and brushing your teeth with the minty toothpaste that left your taste buds burning. "Done, Now can I go back to sleep?" You asked softly after spitting the toothpaste out.

"No, Now get your ass in here so you can change into something tight , short and highly inappropriate." She squealed as if you were her new Barbie doll she could dress up . You groaned gripping your towel tightly before walking into your bedroom. There lied on the bed a black, tight  crop top Along with some tight black demie jeans  that looked as if it could cut off your blood circulation and to top it off the sluttly outfit was paired with black heels that were way to high. "Oh hell no." You breathed shaking your head . Y/F/N had an evil smile on her face as she nodded her head. "No!" You yelled turning to run but being, well you, You slipped in the puddle of water YOU left behind yourself.

Hours later

"I can't feel my feet." You complained as Y/F/N , You and three other friends waited in line to get into the club. "Hey you'll thank me and them heels later." She winked nudging you playfully. "I'd be thanking you right now , if you let me go back home so I can change into a baggy tee shirt, some yoga pants and my comfy fluffy socks as I watch dirty dancing at least fifty times while eating ice cream." You grumbled under your breath. "Hmm, let me think about it . No! My mission tonight is to get you laid!" She yelled playfully as everyone in front of you started looking at you and your three friends. "Who wants to have sex with this hottie!?" Y/F/N asked pointing to you causing you to blush a bright pink. You had hid your face in your hands , Embarrassed.

Once it was you're  turn , You all pulled out you're ID confirming that you guys were twenty  and up. "Five straight vodka shots  pleassseee." Y/F/N smiled at  the bartender sweetly. "Sure." The lady behind the bar smiled getting the drinks right away. "I'm not in the drinking mood." You said sliding the drink away from yourself. "Listen Y/N I understand you loved the guy and all but for god sakes he's the devil literally get the fuck over him." Y/F/N said shaking you slightly as she starred into your eyes. "Your right." You sighed looking at the shot glass in front of you. Do you really want to get shit-face drunk ? You know what ? Fuck it. You threw your head back taking the shot . The cold liquid burnt it's way down your throat (A/N: not really a nice feeling speaking from experience) but as you took more shots you kind of got use to the feeling.

"Hey lets dance." Y/F/N said jumping up and down. "W-W-Wait this is our song." You Slurred , the smell of strong alcohol lingered on your breath. "Yeah-let's dance." She hiccupped taking your  hand stumbling onto the dance floor. Keep playing by Liane V  was playing as Y/F/N and you swayed you're hips to the beat of the music that is until your hips bumped into someone. You  looked up at the tall familiar figure(A/N:PICTURE ON SIDE). "Y/N?" He asked shocked to see you in a club. "Hi cutie." You giggled leaning into hi space a bit.  "Are you okay?" Zak asked his soft voice barley heard over the blasting music in the background. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your lips met his for a slight moment before you slowly pulled away. "Never been better." You giggled  pulling his lips towards your own once again which lead to a full make out session. The two of you wanted to take things to the next level so you both went back to your apartment

Next morning

The sun creeped into your window waking you up. With a groan you looked around to see that you were in your own room  alone like always . You looked down to see that you were  in only a long tee shirt and some panties. I guess it's better than being naked am I right? You asked yourself. You got up from your bed and made your way over to the kitchen where the smell of eggs,bacon,and pancakes was strong. You came face to face with a shirtless back that belonged to a guy with blonde hair . Shit please be Lucifer . please be Lucifer. You thought to yourself cause if it's not Lucifer this guy is so dead you can only imagine what Lucifer would do to him even if the two of you weren't together. Sadly it wasn't it was Zak a friend of Yours . "Awh shit , Zak please tell me we didn't have sex." You groaned  taking a seat at the kitchen counter. "Good morning to you to." He chuckled placing the pancakes on a plate and handing it to you. "Does that mean we did?" you asked sweat falling from your head. " Y/N calm down . I knew you were drunk when you called me Luci and I couldn't take advantage of you so no we did not have sex." He sighed shaking his head. "Than why did I wake up in only a tee shirt and panties?" You asked starting to eat the breakfast. " You vomited all over your clothes and I could only find a tee shirt." He shrugged. "Oh."was all you could say. "Hey ,do you mind if I use your shower ?"Zak asked as he finished his breakfast. "Nope , Not at all." you smiled . You  watched him walk off to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes you could hear him turn on the shower and hop in and as soon as he did there was a knock on the door. Without checking you opened it to see Lucifer. "Hello Y/N." He smiled sadly. "H-Hey." You stuttered out not sure what to say. " I just wanted to ask you a question, if that's okay?" He muttered unsure. "Sure." You said nodding awkwardly. "Do you still love me?" He quickly shot out . "Y-"before You could finish you were interrupted. "HEY Y/N DO YOU HAVE ANY SHAMPOO?!" Zak yelled. By the look on Lucifer's face You could tell it was over for Zak

A/N: ploit twist she really does care lol . Sorry it took so long its' just school and alot of home work cause apparently teachers have to make our lives a living hell at school and home. And btw I think I'm failing math . Also I'll try to update this Wednesday( I make no promises) love you bye now

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