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So This is my first (?) song theme'd chapter, and I thought this song fits so hey.


Everyone sees Lucifer as the bad guy, the villian to every story. He's the guy you're raised and taught to hate from a young age that filters into adulthood. He's the guy everyone claims to be nothing but evil. Everyone believes this, everyone but you. You saw him as an angel who fell from haven because of a mistake.
You didn't believe what everyone said, never much one for religion growing up. Dead beat dad, alcoholic mother, you basically raised yourself. Religion wasn't something you prioritized. Your whole mindset was what do they know? Were they there to witness when it happened?

Did they see what happened with their own eyes? You absolutely  hate how someone can say this happened and someone else would agree then before you know it everyone is agreeing to some false story. People don't know Lucifer's story, only he knows his story and that's something you have always stuck by.

'How am I supposed to hate someone I have never met ?' You asked yourself everyday before you met him. People are so quick to judge but who can blame them when others have filled their minds with awful lies? That's one of the reasons why you never believe what you hear unless it is valid.

People blame Lucifer for everything "the devil made me do this, and that."
You found it pathetic how people blamed him for things they could have stopped. It was their actions, and their words not Lucifer's.

Lucifer was the light you saw, he was in fact the only light you saw. Your whole life had been you building up walls around your heart but he came in and knocked them down, unintentionally. He helped you through the cold, dark days and nights. You could swear you saw his halo almost all of the time you were with him. People claim he has thorns, a tail, and he's red but those are just lies like everything else.

He was a broken angel but He still had his halo.

Lucifer Imagines spn (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now